2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00
# Copyright (c) 2013 - Manuel Tortosa <manutortosa@chakra-project.org>
# This script is released under the LGPL2+
2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
# $1: the parameter whose value you want to get
# returns: the value of the parameter, if existant
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00
get_bootparam_value() {
[ -z "$CMDLINE" ] && CMDLINE="$(< /proc/cmdline)"
case "$CMDLINE" in *\ $1=*) ;; *) return 1; ;; esac
local result="${CMDLINE##*$1=}"
echo ${result%%[ ]*}
2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
# returns: the country of the user, if set as kernel parameter
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00
get_country() {
local COUNTRY=$(get_bootparam_value lang)
2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00
get_keyboard() {
local KEYBOARD=$(get_bootparam_value keytable)
2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00
# sets the locale as well the keymap
set_locale() {
# hack to be able to set the locale on bootup
local LOCALE=$(get_country)
local KEYMAP=$(get_keyboard)
# set a default value, in case something goes wrong, or a language doesn't have
# good defult settings
[ -n "$LOCALE" ] || LOCALE="en_US"
[ -n "$KEYMAP" ] || KEYMAP="us"
2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00
# comment out all locales which we don't need
sed -i "s/^/#/g" /etc/locale.gen
# copy the keyboard.conf file to it's place
cp -f /etc/skel/10-keyboard.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf
sed -i "/XkbLayout/ s/us/"${KEYMAP}"/" /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf
echo "KEYMAP=\"${KEYMAP}\"" >> /etc/vconsole.conf
# set systemwide language
echo "LANG=${LOCALE}.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf
echo "LC_MESSAGES=${LOCALE}.UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.conf
# generate LOCALE
local TLANG=${LOCALE%.*} # remove everything after the ., including the dot from LOCALE
sed -i -r "s/#(.*${TLANG}.*UTF-8)/\1/g" /etc/locale.gen
# add also American English as safe default
sed -i -r "s/#(en_US.*UTF-8)/\1/g" /etc/locale.gen
2013-01-14 04:36:58 +08:00
2013-01-30 09:27:58 +08:00