2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# media_common.py - support functions for medium creation
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
# (c) Copyright 2009 - 2011 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com)
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
# This file is part of the larch project.
# larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
# 2011.01.07
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
import os, re
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
from glob import glob
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
from config import *
from backend import *
class Medium:
"""This class represents a boot medium image.
It converts a larchified system to a boot medium image, by preparing
the bootloader directories and adding customisation stuff
from the profile, but it does not write to any medium.
Alternatively it can mount and prepare an existing larch medium for
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
if options.source:
# Mount the device or file
runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % MPS)
ok = False
if options.source.endswith('.iso'):
if mount(options.source, MPS, '-o loop'):
ok = True
elif options.source.startswith('/dev/'):
if mount(options.source, MPS):
ok = True
elif options.source.startswith('/'):
if mount(options.source, MPS, '--bind'):
ok = True
elif mount(options.source, MPS, '-L'):
ok = True
if not ok:
errout(_("Invalid source medium: '%s'") % options.source)
# Paths needed for the further processing
# - Assume no Arch installation available
self.chrootpath = ''
# - Temporary work area, mainly for building the boot directory
self.build = BUILD0
runcmd('rm -rf %s' % self.build)
runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % self.build)
# - The source medium
self.medium_dir = MPS
if options.testmedium:
comment('-- larch medium: ok')
# Fetch the existing boot directory
runcmd('cp -r %s/boot %s' % (self.medium_dir, self.build))
runcmd('rm -f %s/boot/isolinux/isolinux.boot' % self.build)
runcmd('rm -f %s/boot/isolinux/ldlinux.sys' % self.build)
# Paths needed for the further processing
# - Using the Arch installation for chrooting
installation_dir = get_installation_dir()
self.chrootpath = (installation_dir
if installation_dir != '/' else '')
# - Temporary work area, mainly for building the boot directory
self.build = self.chrootpath + BUILD0
runcmd('rm -rf %s' % self.build)
runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % self.build)
# - The source medium (as produced by larchify)
self.medium_dir = self.chrootpath + CHROOT_DIR_MEDIUM
if options.testmedium:
# Further initialisation for initial builds.
self.profile_dir = get_profile()
def _bootdir(self):
"""Prepare the boot directory for the bootloader. The
bootloader configuration files are not generated yet, as these
depend on the medium.
comment("Fetch kernel and initramfs")
if not runcmd('cp -r %s/boot %s' % (self.medium_dir, self.build))[0]:
errout(_("No kernel and/or initramfs"))
comment("Preparing bootloader directory")
# A basic /boot directory is provided in larch at cd-root/boot0.
# The contents of this directory are placed in the medium's 'boot' directory.
# Individual files can be added or substituted by
# supplying them in the profile at cd-root/boot.
# It is also possible to completely replace the basic boot directory
# by having cd-root/boot0 in the profile - then the default
# larch version will not be used.
source0 = '%s/cd-root/boot0' % self.profile_dir
if not os.path.isdir(source0):
source0 = '%s/cd-root/boot0' % base_dir
runcmd('bash -c "cp -r %s/* %s/boot"' % (source0, self.build))
# Copy any additional profile stuff
psource = '%s/cd-root/boot' % self.profile_dir
if os.path.isdir(psource):
runcmd('bash -c "cp -rf %s/* %s/boot"' % (psource, self.build))
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
# Copy vesamenu.c32, chain.c32 to the boot directory
for slfile in ('vesamenu.c32', 'chain.c32'):
runcmd('cp %s/%s %s/boot/isolinux' %
(self.chrootpath + SYSLINUXDIR, slfile, self.build))
# and rename base config file
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
runcmd(('mv %s/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg'
' %s/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg_0')
% (self.build, self.build))
# Prepare utilities for copying media
supportlibdir = BUILD0 + '/boot/support/lib'
chroot(self.chrootpath, 'mkdir -p %s' % supportlibdir)
for application in ('extlinux', 'syslinux',
'mksquashfs', 'unsquashfs'):
runnable = chroot(self.chrootpath, 'which %s' % application)
if runnable:
runnable = runnable[0]
# Should I output something?
for line in chroot(self.chrootpath, 'ldd %s' % runnable):
m = re.search(r'=> (/[^ ]+) ', line)
if m:
chroot(self.chrootpath, 'cp -n %s %s' %
(m.group(1), supportlibdir))
chroot(self.chrootpath, 'cp %s %s' % (runnable, supportlibdir))
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
loader = None
for l in glob(self.chrootpath + '/lib/ld-linux*.so.2'):
# Could use os.readlink() as alternative, just returning the link
lrp = os.path.realpath(l)
if lrp.split('/')[-2] == 'lib':
loader = lrp
if loader:
runcmd('cp %s %s%s/loader' % (loader, self.chrootpath, supportlibdir))
errout(_("No loader binary, ") + u'/lib/ld-linux*.so.2')
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
runcmd('cp %s/mbr.bin %s/boot/support' %
(self.chrootpath + SYSLINUXDIR, self.build))
runcmd('cp %s/isolinux.bin %s/boot/support' %
(self.chrootpath + SYSLINUXDIR, self.build))
def _customizelarchdir(self):
"""The medium's larch directory will be (re)built.
First delete anything apart from system.sqf and mods.sqf, then
add anything relevant from the profile.
for fd in os.listdir(self.medium_dir + '/larch'):
if fd not in ('system.sqf', 'mods.sqf'):
runcmd('rm -rf %s/larch/%s' % (self.medium_dir, fd))
plarch = self.profile_dir + '/cd-root/larch'
if os.path.isdir(plarch):
runcmd('bash -c "cp -r %s/* %s/larch"' % (plarch, self.medium_dir))
def setup_destination(self, device):
"""The basic preparation of a destination partition.
drive = device[:8]
partno = device[8:]
if not os.path.exists(device):
errout(_("Invalid output device: %s") % device)
def parted(cmd, optm=''):
s = runcmd('parted -s %s %s %s' % (optm, drive, cmd))
if s[0]:
if s[1]:
return s[1]
return True
return False
# Prepare for formatting
if self.options.format:
fmtcmd = 'mkfs.ext4'
self.fstype = 'ext4'
if self.options.nojournal:
fmtcmd += ' -O ^has_journal'
labellength = 16
opt = 'L'
fmtcmd = None
# Check device format
ok, lines = runcmd('blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s TYPE %s' % device)
if not ok:
errout(_("Couldn't get format information for %s") % device)
self.fstype = lines[0]
fsflag = '#'
if self.fstype in OKFS:
fsflag = '+'
elif self.fstype == 'vfat':
fsflag = '-'
if fsflag == '#':
errout(_("Unsupported file-system: %s") % self.fstype)
if self.options.testmedium:
# List drive content: 'parted -m <drive> print'
# - don't use 'free' because then you may get multiple lines starting '1:'.
driveinfo = parted('print', '-m')
if fmtcmd:
lopt = ('-%s "%s"' % (opt, check_label(self.options.label, labellength))
if self.options.label else '')
# Get partition table type from line with drive at beginning:
# > /dev/sdc:3898MB:scsi:512:512:msdos:Intenso Rainbow;
# - filter out partition table type (field 6)
ptable = driveinfo[1].split(':')[5]
# Filter out line for chosen partition (1):
# 2:2000MB:3898MB:1898MB:::;
# - remember field 2 and 3
pstart, pend = None, None
for p in driveinfo[2:]:
pinfo = p.split(':')
if pinfo[0] == partno:
pstart, pend = pinfo[1:3]
fail = True
# Delete partition: 'parted <drive> rm <partno>'
if parted('rm %s' % partno):
# Recreate partition:
# - if partition number > 4 AND it is an msdos partition table use
# 'logical' instead of 'primary'
# 'parted <drive> mkpart primary <ext2|fat32> <pstart> <pend>'
ptype = 'logical' if (ptable == 'msdos') and (int(partno) > 4) else 'primary'
if parted('mkpart %s %s %s %s' % (ptype, 'ext2', pstart, pend)):
# Format file system
if chroot(self.chrootpath, '%s %s %s' % (fmtcmd, lopt, device), ['dev']):
fail = False
if fail:
errout(_("Couldn't format %s") % device)
# Set boot flag: 'parted <drive> set <partno> boot on'
# and make drive bootable.
# Only do this if installing mbr.
if self.options.mbr:
# First remove boot flag from any partition which might have it ('boot'):
# 'parted <drive> set <partno> boot off'
for l in driveinfo[2:]:
if 'boot' in l:
parted('set %s boot off' % l.split(':', 1)[0])
parted('set %s boot on' % partno)
runcmd('dd if=%s/boot/support/mbr.bin of=%s' % (self.build, drive))
# Need to get the label - if not formatting (an option for experts)
# it is probably not a good idea to change the volume label, so
# use the old one.
label = get_device_label(device)
# Write bootloader configuration file
bootconfig(self.build, label, device, self.options.detection)
# Mount partition and remove larch and boot dirs
runcmd('rm -rf %s' % MPD)
runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % MPD)
if not mount(device, MPD):
errout(_("Couldn't mount larch partition, %s") % device)
runcmd('rm -rf %s/larch' % MPD)
runcmd('rm -rf %s/boot' % MPD)
# Copy files to device
runcmd('cp -r %s/larch %s' % (self.medium_dir, MPD))
runcmd('cp -r %s/boot %s' % (self.build, MPD))
def mkiso(self, xopts=''):
"""Build an iso containing the stuff in self.build, and optionally
more - passed in xopts.
# Actually the volume label can be 32 bytes, but 16 is compatible
# with ext2 (etc.) (though a little longer than vfat)
label = check_label(self.options.label, 16)
# Get fresh isolinux.bin
runcmd('cp %s/boot/support/isolinux.bin %s/boot/isolinux'
% (self.build, self.build))
# Build iso
ok, res = runcmd('mkisofs -R -l -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4'
' -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/isolinux.boot'
' -boot-info-table -input-charset=UTF-8'
' -V "%s"'
' -o "%s"'
' %s %s' % (label, self.options.isofile, xopts, self.build),
if not ok:
errout(_("iso build failed"))
comment(" *** %s ***" % (_("%s was successfully created")
% (self.options.isofile)))
def check_larchimage(mediumdir):
"""A very simple check that the given path is that of a larch medium (image).
testfile = mediumdir + '/larch/system.sqf'
if not os.path.isfile(testfile):
errout(_("File '%s' doesn't exist, '%s' is not a larch medium")
% (testfile, mediumdir))
def get_device_label(device):
"""Return the volume label of the given device.
return runcmd('blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s LABEL %s'
% device)[1][0]
def check_label(l, n):
if isinstance(l, unicode):
l = l.encode('utf8')
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
l = l.replace(' ', '_')
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
if len(l) > n:
if query_yn(_("The volume label is too long. Use the default (%s)?")
return LABEL
return l
def add_larchboot(idir):
writefile("The presence of the file 'larch/larchboot' enables\n"
"booting the device in 'search' mode.\n", idir + '/larch/larchboot')
def bootconfig(medium, label='', device='', detection=''):
"""Convert and complete the bootlines file.
kernel = readfile(medium + '/boot/kernelname').strip()
# - add boot partition to options
if detection == 'uuid':
bootp = ('uuid=' +
runcmd('blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s UUID %s'
% device)[1][0].strip())
elif detection == 'label':
if not label:
errout(_("Can't boot to label - device has no label"))
2011-03-20 17:06:57 +08:00
bootp = 'label=%s' % label
2010-11-22 06:11:17 +08:00
elif detection == 'partition':
bootp = 'root=' + device
bootp = ''
# - convert bootfiles to the correct format,
# inserting necessary info
bootconf = medium + '/boot/bootlines'
if not os.path.isfile(bootconf):
errout(_("Boot configuration file '%s' not found") % bootconf)
fhi = open(bootconf)
insert = ''
i = 0
block = ''
title = ''
opts = ''
for line in fhi:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if title:
i += 1
# A block is ready
block += 'label %02d\n' % i
block += 'MENU LABEL %s\n' % title
block += 'kernel /boot/%s\n' % kernel
block += 'append initrd=/boot/larch.img %s %s\n' % (bootp, opts)
if i > 1:
insert += '\n'
insert += block
block = ''
title = ''
opts = ''
elif line.startswith('comment:'):
block += '#%s\n' % (line.split(':', 1)[1])
elif line.startswith('title:'):
title = line.split(':', 1)[1].lstrip()
elif line.startswith('options:'):
opts = line.split(':', 1)[1].lstrip()
# - insert the resulting string into the bootloader config file
configfile = 'isolinux/isolinux.cfg'
configfile0 = configfile + '_0'
configpath = '%s/boot/%s' % (medium, configfile0)
if not os.path.isfile(configpath):
errout(_("Base configuration file (%s) not found") % configpath)
fhi = open(configpath)
fho = open('%s/boot/%s' % (medium, configfile), 'w')
for line in fhi:
if line.startswith("###LARCH"):