# # Chakra Packages for Chakra, part of chakra-project.org # # maintainer (i686): Phil Miller # maintainer (x86_64): Manuel Tortosa pkgname=wicd pkgver=1.7.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="New and alternative wireless/wired network management utility" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://wicd.sourceforge.net/" license=('GPL2') depends=('python' 'dbus-python' 'dhcpcd' 'wpa_supplicant' 'wireless_tools' 'ethtool' 'shared-mime-info' 'python-urwid' 'consolekit' 'pygobject') optdepends=('hicolor-icon-theme' 'gksu: needed to access some preferences in gtk interface' 'notification-daemon: needed if you want notifications' 'python-notify: needed if you want notifications' 'python-wpactrl: needed if you want to use the new experimental ioctrl backend' 'python-iwscan: needed if you want to use the new experimental ioctrl backend' 'wicd-client-kde: needed if you want to use kde ui') conflicts=('wicd-svn') install=wicd.install source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz wicd-daemon wicd-scripts-execution.patch) options=('emptydirs') backup=('etc/wicd/encryption/templates/active') md5sums=('003d2e67240989db55934553437ba32a' 'f40e5f59998d0829707a7c9976afa8f8' 'f4c377a25aa077cb76955124adfcc03f') build() { cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver patch -p0 <$srcdir/wicd-scripts-execution.patch || return 1 python setup.py configure --no-install-init --resume=/usr/share/wicd/scripts/ \ --suspend=/usr/share/wicd/scripts/ --verbose --no-install-gtk python setup.py install --root=$pkgdir # Add custom rc.d script install -Dm755 $srcdir/wicd-daemon $pkgdir/etc/rc.d/wicd cd build/lib/wicd for i in *.py; do install -Dm 755 $i $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/wicd/$i done rm -rf ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/autostart }