# $Id: PKGBUILD 70359 2010-02-26 04:56:43Z dgriffiths $ # Maintainer: Aaron Griffin # Contributor: judd pkgname=filesystem pkgver=2010.02 pkgrel=4 pkgdesc="Base filesystem" arch=('any') license=('GPL') url="http://www.archlinux.org" groups=('base') install=filesystem.install #depends=('sh' 'coreutils') backup=(etc/fstab etc/crypttab etc/group etc/hosts etc/ld.so.conf etc/passwd etc/shadow etc/gshadow etc/resolv.conf etc/motd etc/nsswitch.conf etc/shells etc/host.conf etc/securetty etc/profile etc/issue) source=(group issue nsswitch.conf securetty host.conf ld.so.conf passwd shadow fstab crypttab hosts motd resolv.conf shells gshadow services protocols profile modprobe.d.usb-load-ehci-first) md5sums=('75c7e1770305e1f3b75c52785c137611' '1bdc5dba66947d74866a5df8ce9ef3b1' '13753e4e0964f3652b0cc60a28528bdf' '933dee67c58d452334d342c294342910' 'f28150d4c0b22a017be51b9f7f9977ed' '6e488ffecc8ba142c0cf7e2d7aeb832e' '8a9042a2cedf6b6b47eb8973f14289cb' '019e5c24f9befef395a28e7ef2e4e5b9' '57c5cc9da249c3b06a70fd7efb8c34a5' 'e5d8323a4dbee7a6d0d2a19cbf4b819f' '81b3cb42a6ddabc2ed2310511ee9c859' 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' '6f48288b6fcaf0065fcb7b0e525413e0' '40dac0de4c6b99c8ca97effbd7527c84' '5340b9287b71ffe9d4d99510bffe933f' 'f436d2e0ed02b7b73bd10c6693e95ac3' '65d78e621ed69eed69f854c3ee2e5942' 'f7ba22b78c5d2b53f86227aa2447e7ea' '8098ffd9fbf890468d3198277596b85a') build() { cd ${pkgdir} mkdir -p bin boot dev etc home lib mnt proc root sbin tmp usr var opt srv sys chmod 555 proc mkdir -p media/{fl,cd,dvd} mkdir -p usr/{bin,include,lib,sbin,share/misc,src} mkdir -p usr/share/man/man{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} ln -s man3 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man3x # fhs compliance mkdir -p usr/local/{bin,games,include,lib,man,sbin,share,src} ln -s ../man ${pkgdir}/usr/local/share/man mkdir -p var/{cache/man,local,lock,opt,run,spool/mail,tmp,games} chmod 1777 var/lock mkdir -p var/log/old mkdir -p etc/{ld.so.conf.d,skel,profile.d} mkdir -p lib/modules mkdir -p var/lib/misc (cd ${pkgdir}/var; ln -s spool/mail mail) # vsftpd won't run with write perms on /srv/ftp mkdir -p srv/ftp chown root.ftp srv/ftp chmod 555 srv/ftp install -d -o root -g root -m 755 srv/http chmod 1777 var/spool/mail tmp var/tmp chmod 0750 root #Allow setgid games to write scores: chmod 775 ${pkgdir}/var/games chown root:50 ${pkgdir}/var/games cd ${srcdir} cp fstab crypttab group host.conf hosts issue ld.so.conf motd nsswitch.conf \ passwd protocols resolv.conf securetty services shadow shells profile \ ${pkgdir}/etc/ install -m 600 ${srcdir}/gshadow ${pkgdir}/etc/gshadow chmod 600 ${pkgdir}/etc/shadow chmod 600 ${pkgdir}/etc/crypttab # no version any more #cat issue | sed "s/#VERSION#/${pkgver}/" >${pkgdir}/etc/issue # re-add /etc/arch-release, some software uses it # to check whether arch is running touch ${pkgdir}/etc/arch-release # Add /etc/modprobe.d/ install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/modprobe.d.usb-load-ehci-first \ ${pkgdir}/etc/modprobe.d/usb-load-ehci-first.conf # Prevent pacman from removing directory (FS#16886) mkdir ${pkgdir}/var/empty touch ${pkgdir}/var/empty/.keep }