# # Core Packages for Chakra, part of chakra-project.org # # maintainer (i686): Phil Miller # maintainer (x86_64): Manuel Tortosa # include global config source ../_buildscripts/${current_repo}-${_arch}-cfg.conf pkgname=dnsutils # Use a period and not a hyphen before the patch level for proper versioning. pkgver=9.8.0.P1 _pkgver=9.8.0-P1 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Various DNS utilities - dig host nslookup nsupdate" arch=(i686 x86_64) url="https://www.isc.org/software/bind" license=('custom:ISC') depends=('openssl') replaces=('bind-tools' 'host') options=('makeflags') source=(http://ftp.isc.org/isc/bind9/${_pkgver}/bind-${_pkgver}.tar.gz tools-only.patch) md5sums=('d97ecd8f62a4cf4a769742c79cd8f921' 'be0558f70ed81d90e68e6b6003ba12ed') build() { cd "${srcdir}/bind-${_pkgver}" patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/tools-only.patch" || return 1 ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \ --with-openssl=yes --disable-linux-caps || return 1 make || return 1 } package() { cd "${srcdir}/bind-${_pkgver}/bin" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1 install -Dm644 ../COPYRIGHT "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" || return 1 }