#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #2011.01.16 # Copyright 2010 Michael Towers """ 1) Generally something like: pygettext.py -p i18n -o liblarch.pot *.py I think poedit can do most of the processing, but the steps are: 2) cd i18n ; msginit -i liblarch.pot -l de OR: 2a) to update a po file: cd i18n ; msgmerge -U liblarch.po liblarch.pot 3) edit po file 4) generate binary file: cd i18n ; msgfmt -c -v -o liblarch.mo liblarch.po 5) move the .mo file to i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES """ import sys, os, shutil from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT pygettext = Popen(['which', 'pygettext.py'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() if not pygettext: v1, v2 = sys.version_info[0:2] pygettext = '/usr/lib/python%d.%d/Tools/i18n/pygettext.py' % (v1, v2) thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basedir = os.path.dirname(thisdir) os.chdir(basedir) if (len(sys.argv) < 2): lang = "de" else: lang = sys.argv[1] print "Generating internationalization for language '%s'\n" % lang print " If you wanted a different language run 'i18n.py '" print " For example 'i18n.py fr'\n" dirs = [""] allpy = [os.path.join(d, "*.py") for d in dirs] alluim = [os.path.join('uim', "*.uim")] call(["pygettext.py", "-p", thisdir, "-o", "liblarch.pot"] + allpy + alluim) os.chdir(thisdir) langfile = lang + ".po" pofile = os.path.join(lang, "LC_MESSAGES", langfile) if os.path.isfile(pofile): shutil.copy(pofile, ".") call(["msgmerge", "-U", langfile, "liblarch.pot"]) else: call(["sed", "-i", "s|CHARSET|utf-8|", "liblarch.pot"]) call(["msginit", "--no-translator", "-i", "liblarch.pot", "-l", lang]) lf = open("lang", "w") lf.write(lang) lf.close() print "Now edit '%s' and then run 'i18n2.py'" % langfile