# Makefile for cubex by Eric # This Makefile was seriously broken. # CC was set to g++. Since it was compiling C++ files, # CXX should have been used. # LINK was set to g++, so I changed that to LD # CFLAGS was set to -O2. I've removed that, so it can be set # in spkg-install. # In any case, it should have been CXXFLAGS # LFLAGS and INCLUDES were both empty # David Kirkby, 29th Sept 2009 INCLUDES= OBJS=cubex.o main.o RM=/bin/rm -f all: build build: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o cubex $(OBJS) clean: $(RM) $(OBJS) distclean: clean $(RM) cubex cubex.o: cubex.cpp $(INCLUDES) cubex.h $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c cubex.cpp main.o: main.cpp $(INCLUDES) cubex.h $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c main.cpp dummy: