# # Software packages for Chakra, part of www.chakra-project.org # # Maintainer: H W Tovetjärn (totte) # Contributors: R Biegelmeyer (RenanBS) # Sébastien Luttringer # Angel Velasquez # Fabio Volpe pkgbase=python-sphinx pkgname=('python3-sphinx' 'python2-sphinx') pkgver=1.1.3 pkgrel=2 arch=('any') url='http://sphinx.pocoo.org/' license=('GPL') makedepends=( 'python3-setuptools' 'python3-docutils' 'python3-jinja' 'python3-pygments' 'python2-setuptools' 'python2-docutils' 'python2-jinja' 'python2-pygments' ) checkdepends=( 'python3-nose' 'python2-nose' 'texlive-latexextra' ) source=("http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphinx-$pkgver.tar.gz") sha512sums=('b8312140d752bf557c8e41728513812aff3e5d0a89af88dea9da0df21bf09c8315f13305d7a724a5596d0192b167d613065ea564c6d92e4ffb23f1f246dbf052') build() { cd Sphinx-$pkgver # remove build directory (avoid sed issues) [[ -e build ]] && rm -rf build # python builds python3 setup.py build --build-lib=build/python3 python2 setup.py build --build-lib=build/python2 # change python3 interpreter find build/python3 -type f -exec \ sed -i '1s,^#! \?/usr/bin/\(env \|\)python$,#!/usr/bin/python3,' {} \; # change python2 interpreter find build/python2 -type f -exec \ sed -i '1s,^#! \?/usr/bin/\(env \|\)python$,#!/usr/bin/python2,' {} \; # change sphinx-binaries name in source code find build/python2 -type f -name '*.py' -exec \ sed -ri 's,(sphinx-(:?build|apidoc|autogen|quickstart)),\12,' {} \; } check() { #(cd Sphinx-$pkgver/build/python3/ && python3 ../../tests/run.py -d) (cd Sphinx-$pkgver/build/python2/ && python2 ../../tests/run.py -d) } package_python3-sphinx() { pkgdesc='Python 3 documentation generator' depends=('python3' 'python3-jinja' 'python3-pygments' 'python3-docutils') optdepends=('texlive-latexextra: for generation of PDF documentation') cd Sphinx-$pkgver python3 setup.py build --build-lib=build/python3 \ install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1 } package_python2-sphinx() { pkgdesc='Python 2 documentation generator' depends=('python2' 'python2-jinja' 'python2-pygments' 'python2-docutils') optdepends=('texlive-latexextra: for generation of PDF documentation') cd Sphinx-$pkgver python2 setup.py build --build-lib=build/python2 \ install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1 # fix python3 conflict for _f in "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/*; do mv -v "$_f" "${_f}2" done }