# # Chakra Packages for Chakra, part of chakra-project.org # # maintainer (i686): Phil Miller # maintainer (x86_64): Manuel Tortosa pkgname=netcfg pkgver=2.6.6 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Network configuration and profile scripts" url="http://archlinux.org" license=("BSD") backup=(etc/iftab etc/conf.d/netcfg) depends=("coreutils" "dhcpcd>=4.0" "iproute2") optdepends=('dialog: Required for menu based profile selector' 'wpa_supplicant: required for wireless network support' 'wpa_actiond: Required for automatic wireless connection with rc.d/net-auto-wireless' 'ifplugd: Required for automatic wired connection with rc.d/net-auto-wired' 'wireless_tools: Required to support obsolete IWCONFIG option' 'net-tools: required to support obsolete IFOPTS option' ) source=(ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/other/netcfg/netcfg-${pkgver}.tar.gz) arch=(any) md5sums=('b81e0ced63ea3be94190cd290bb94425') package() { cd "$srcdir/netcfg-${pkgver}" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -D -m644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/netcfg/LICENSE" }