# # Platform Packages for Chakra, part of chakra-project.org # # maintainer (i686): Phil Miller # maintainer (x86_64): Manuel Tortosa pkgname=perl-net-smtp-ssl pkgver=1.01 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="SSL support for Net::SMTP" arch=(any) url="http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-SMTP-SSL/" license=('GPL' 'PerlArtistic') depends=('perl-io-socket-ssl') source=("http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/C/CW/CWEST/Net-SMTP-SSL-${pkgver}.tar.gz") options=(!emptydirs) md5sums=('ba039288ebf7a343feecacd374da8c1a') build() { cd "${srcdir}/Net-SMTP-SSL-${pkgver}" # Install module into the vendor directories. perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor || return 1 make || return 1 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1 # Remove .packlist and perllocal.pod files. find "$pkgdir" -name '.packlist' -delete find "$pkgdir" -name 'perllocal.pod' -delete }