pkgname=libssh pkgver=0.7.6 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Library for accessing ssh client services through C libraries" url="" license=('LGPL') arch=('x86_64') depends=('zlib' 'openssl') makedepends=('cmake' 'cmocka' 'doxygen' 'python3') source=(${pkgver%.*}/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.xz{,.asc}) sha256sums=('1d607d3859274f755942324afb0f887ee22edd157f9596a2e69e3a28ec6d1092' 'SKIP') validpgpkeys=('8DFF53E18F2ABC8D8F3C92237EE0FC4DCC014E3D') # Andreas Schneider prepare() { # disable the test. It is confused by our clean container setup. # 'extra-x86-build' uses user 'nobody' that has a record in /etc/passwd file # but $HOME envvar is set to '/build'. The test expects that $HOME corresponds to passwd file. sed 's/cmocka_unit_test(torture_path_expand_tilde_unix),//' -i libssh-${pkgver}/tests/unittests/torture_misc.c mkdir -p build } build() { cd build cmake ../${pkgname}-${pkgver} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DWITH_GSSAPI=OFF \ -DUNIT_TESTING=ON make } package(){ cd "${srcdir}"/build make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }