# Maintainer: Heiko Baums # Contributor: Kurt J. Bosch pkgname=fbsplash pkgver= pkgrel=2.2 pkgdesc="A userspace implementation of a splash screen for Linux (formerly known as gensplash)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://fbsplash.berlios.de" license=('GPL') depends=('miscsplashutils' 'freetype2' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'libmng' 'lcms' 'gpm') optdepends=('kernel26: enable console background images' 'initscripts-extras-fbsplash: boot/shutdown with fbsplash' 'fbsplash-uswsusp: suspend to disk with fbsplash' 'python: convert themes from splashy to fbsplash') options=('!makeflags') install=fbsplash.install source=(http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/gensplash/archive/splashutils-${pkgver}.tar.bz2 fbsplash.git.patch) md5sums=('c722cd4148817b9c50381d9bdc1ea6ef' '3a338c60ed0710c8b7e3e08929db521a') build() { cd ${srcdir}/splashutils-${pkgver} # patch for building splashutils with glibc and dynamical linking patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/fbsplash.git.patch || return 1 autoreconf # fix fbcondecor_ctl splash type sed -e 's,fbsplash_lib_init(fbspl_bootup),fbsplash_lib_init(fbspl_undef),' -i src/fbcon_decor_ctl.c ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --without-klibc --with-gpm --with-mng --with-png --with-ttf --with-ttf-kernel --disable-fbcondecor || return 1 make || return 1 make DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install || return 1 cd ${pkgdir} # fix duplicate slashes to get splash_cache_cleanup grep to work sed -r -e 's,^(export spl_.*="/)/+,\1,' -i sbin/splash-functions.sh # fix the path to splash_util sed -r -e 's,^(export spl_util=)\"/bin/,\1"/sbin/,' -i sbin/splash-functions.sh # provide the mountpoint needed by splash-functions.sh mkdir -p lib/splash/{cache,tmp} }