Chaoting Liu f3a60920d6 llvm/clang stack: update to 6.0.0 (see detail)
llvm now split to different packages

- llvm, llvm-libs (in dir llvm/): the main llvm lib and functional part
- lld: (dynamic) linker of llvm
- lldb: debugger of llvm
- compiler-rt: runtime compiler lib for clang to build and run
- clang: C/C++ compiler from llvm project

they should stay in same release version
the update sequence is:
(optional ocaml group->) llvm -> lld -> compiler-rt -> clang
2018-04-20 09:48:53 +01:00

14 lines
541 B

Index: cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
--- cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
+++ cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "USE_SHARED" "" "" ${ARGN})
set(link_components ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS})
# If USE_SHARED is specified, then we link against libLLVM,
# but also against the component libraries below. This is
# done in case libLLVM does not contain all of the components