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#!/usr/bin/env python
# build.py
# (c) Copyright 2009 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com)
# This file is part of the larch project.
# larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# 2010.03.22
import os, sys
from glob import glob
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import random, crypt
# Default list of 'additional' groups for a new user
BASEGROUPS = 'video,audio,optical,storage,scanner,power,camera'
# User table fields (apart from the first column - the login name)
USERINFO = ['pw', 'maingroup', 'uid', 'skel', 'xgroups', 'expert']
class Builder:
"""This class manages 'larchifying' an Arch Linux installation.
def __init__(self):
def oldsqf_available(self):
self.installation_dir = config.ipath()
# Define the working area - it must be inside the installation
# because of the use of chroot for some functions
self.larch_dir = config.ipath(config.larch_build_dir)
# Location for the live medium image
self.medium = config.ipath(config.medium_dir)
self.system_sqf = config.ipath(config.system_sqf)
if os.path.isfile(self.medium + "/larch/system.sqf"):
return True
return os.path.isfile(self.system_sqf)
def ssh_available(self):
return os.path.isfile(config.ipath("usr/bin/ssh-keygen"))
def build(self, sshgen, useoldsqf):
self.installation0 = self.installation_dir if self.installation_dir != "/" else ""
if not (self.installation0 or ui.confirmDialog(_(
"Building a larch live medium from the running system is\n"
"an error prone process. Changes to the running system\n"
"made while running this function may be only partially\n"
"incorporated into the compressed system images.\n\n"
"Do you wish to continue?"))):
return False
self.profile = config.get("profile")
self.overlay = config.ipath(config.overlay_build_dir)
command.log("#Initializing larchify process")
if useoldsqf:
if os.path.isfile(self.medium + "/larch/system.sqf"):
supershell("mv %s/larch/system.sqf %s" %
(self.medium, self.larch_dir))
supershell("rm -f %s" % self.system_sqf)
# Clean out temporary area and create overlay directory
supershell("rm -rf %s/tmp && mkdir -p %s" %
(self.larch_dir, self.overlay))
if not self.find_kernel():
return False
if not self.system_check():
return False
command.log("#Beginning to build larch medium files")
# Clear out the directory
supershell("rm -rf %s && mkdir -p %s/{boot,larch}" %
(self.medium, self.medium))
# kernel
supershell("cp -f %s/boot/%s %s/boot/larch.kernel" %
(self.installation0, self.kname, self.medium))
# Remember file name (to ease update handling)
supershell("echo '%s' > %s/larch/kernelname"
% (self.kname, self.medium))
# if no saved system.sqf, squash the Arch installation at self.installation_dir
if not os.path.isfile(self.system_sqf):
command.log("#Generating system.sqf")
# root directories which are not included in the squashed system.sqf
ignoredirs = "boot dev mnt media proc sys tmp .livesys "
ignoredirs += config.larch_build_dir.lstrip("/")
# /var stuff
ignoredirs += " var/log var/tmp var/lock var/cache/pacman/pkg"
# others
ignoredirs += " usr/lib/locale"
# Additional directories to ignore can also be specified in the
# profile. This is a nasty option. It was requested, and might
# be useful under certain special circumstances, but I recommend
# not using it unless you are really sure what you are doing.
veto_file = self.profile + '/vetodirs'
if os.path.isfile(veto_file):
fh = open(veto_file)
for line in fh:
line = line.strip()
if line and (line[0] != '#'):
ignoredirs += ' ' + line.lstrip('/')
if not command.chroot("/sbin/mksquashfs '/' '%s' -e %s"
% (config.system_sqf, ignoredirs)):
command.error("Warning", _("Squashing system.sqf failed"))
return False
# remove execute attrib
supershell("chmod oga-x %s" % self.system_sqf)
# move system.sqf to medium directory
supershell("mv %s %s/larch" % (self.system_sqf, self.medium))
# prepare overlay
command.log("#Generating larch overlay")
# Copy over the overlay from the selected profile
if os.path.isdir("%s/rootoverlay" % self.profile):
supershell("cp -rf %s/rootoverlay/* %s" % (self.profile, self.overlay))
# Ensure there is an /etc directory in the overlay
supershell("mkdir -p %s/etc" % self.overlay)
# fix sudoers if any
if os.path.isfile("%s/etc/sudoers" % self.overlay):
supershell("chmod 0440 %s/etc/sudoers" % self.overlay)
supershell("chown root:root %s/etc/sudoers" % self.overlay)
# Prepare inittab
inittab = self.overlay + "/etc/inittab"
itsave = inittab + ".larchsave"
it0 = self.installation0 + "/etc/inittab"
itl = self.overlay + "/etc/inittab.larch"
if not os.path.isfile(itl):
itl = self.installation0 + "/etc/inittab.larch"
if not os.path.isfile(itl):
itl = None
# Save the original inittab if there is an inittab.larch file,
# ... if there isn't already a saved one
if itl:
if ((not os.path.isfile(it0 + ".larchsave"))
and (not os.path.isfile(itsave))):
supershell("cp %s %s" % (it0, itsave))
# Use the .larch version in the live system
supershell("cp -f %s %s" % (itl, inittab))
command.log("#Generating larch initcpio")
if not self.gen_initramfs():
return False
command.log("#Generating glibc locales")
command.script("larch-locales '%s' '%s'" % (self.installation0,
if sshgen:
# ssh initialisation - done here so that it doesn't need to
# be done when the live system boots
command.log("#Generating ssh keys to overlay")
sshdir = config.overlay_build_dir + "/etc/ssh"
supershell("mkdir -p %s" % config.ipath(sshdir))
for k, f in [("rsa1", "ssh_host_key"), ("rsa", "ssh_host_rsa_key"),
("dsa", "ssh_host_dsa_key")]:
command.chroot("ssh-keygen -t %s -N '' -f %s/%s >/dev/null"
% (k, sshdir, f), ["dev"])
# Ensure the hostname is in /etc/hosts
command.script("larch-hosts %s %s" % (self.installation0, self.overlay))
# Handle /mnt
supershell("mkdir -p %s/mnt" % self.overlay)
for d in os.listdir("%s/mnt" % self.installation0):
if os.path.isdir("%s/mnt/%s" % (self.installation0, d)):
supershell("mkdir %s/mnt/%s" % (self.overlay, d))
# Ensure there is a /boot directory
supershell("mkdir -p %s/boot" % self.overlay)
# Run customization script
tweak = self.profile + '/build-tweak'
if os.path.isfile(tweak):
command.log("#(WARNING): Running user's build customization script")
if supershell(tweak + ' %s %s' % (self.installation0,
command.log("#Customization script completed")
command.error("Warning", _("Build customization script failed"))
return False
# Add users
if self.installation0 and not self.add_users():
return False
command.log("#Squashing mods.sqf")
if not command.chroot("/sbin/mksquashfs '%s' '%s/larch/mods.sqf'"
% (config.overlay_build_dir, config.medium_dir)):
command.error("Warning", _("Squashing mods.sqf failed"))
return False
# remove execute attrib
supershell("chmod oga-x %s/larch/mods.sqf" % self.medium)
supershell("rm -rf %s" % self.overlay)
# The medium boot directory needs to be kept outside of the medium
# directory to allow multiple, different media to be built easily.
supershell("mv %s/boot %s/tmp" % (self.medium, self.larch_dir))
def getusers(self):
"""Read user information by means of a SafeConfigParser instance.
This is then available as self.userconf.
self.userconf = SafeConfigParser({'pw':'', 'maingroup':'', 'uid':'',
'skel':'', 'xgroups':BASEGROUPS, 'expert':''})
users = config.get("profile") + '/users'
if os.path.isfile(users):
config_error(_("Invalid 'users' file"))
def allusers(self):
return self.userconf.sections()
def userinfo(self, user, fields):
"""Get an ordered list of the given field data for the given user.
return [self.userconf.get(user, f) for f in fields]
def userset(self, uname, field, text):
self.userconf.set(uname, field, text)
def newuser(self, user):
return self.saveusers()
run_error(_("Couldn't add user '%s'") % user)
return False
def deluser(self, user):
return self.saveusers()
run_error(_("Couldn't remove user '%s'") % user)
return False
def saveusers(self):
"""Save the user configuration data (in 'INI' format)
fh = None
fh = open(config.get("profile") + '/users', 'w')
return True
if fh:
config_error(_("Couldn't save 'users' file"))
return False
def add_users(self):
userlist = []
for user in self.allusers():
if (command.script('user-exists %s %s'
% (self.installation_dir, user)) != ''):
# Only include if the user does not yet exist
command.log("#(WARNING): User '%s' exists already"
% user)
# Only continue if there are new users in the list
if userlist == []:
return True
# Save system files and replace them by the overlay versions
savedir = self.larch_dir + '/tmp/save_etc'
supershell('rm -rf %s' % savedir)
supershell('mkdir -p %s/default' % savedir)
savelist = 'group,gshadow,passwd,shadow,login.defs,skel'
supershell('cp -a %s/etc/{%s} %s'
% (self.installation0, savelist, savedir))
supershell('cp -a %s/etc/default/useradd %s/default'
% (self.installation0, savedir))
for f in ('group', 'gshadow', 'passwd', 'shadow', 'login.defs'):
if os.path.isfile(self.overlay + '/etc/%s'):
supershell('cp %s/etc/%s %s/etc'
% (self.overlay, f, self.installation0))
if os.path.isfile(self.overlay + '/etc/default/useradd'):
supershell('cp %s/etc/default/useradd %s/etc/default'
% (self.overlay, self.installation0))
if os.path.isdir(self.overlay + '/etc/skel'):
supershell('cp -r %s/etc/skel %s/etc'
% (self.overlay, self.installation0))
# Build the useradd command
userdir0 = '/tmp/users'
userdir = self.larch_dir + userdir0
userdirs = []
clist = []
supershell('mkdir -p %s/home' % self.overlay)
for u in userlist:
cline = 'useradd -m'
pgroup = self.userconf.get(u, 'maingroup')
if pgroup:
cline += ' -g ' + pgroup
uid = self.userconf.get(u, 'uid')
if uid:
cline += ' -u ' + uid
xgroups = self.userconf.get(u, 'xgroups')
if xgroups:
cline += ' -G ' + xgroups
pw = self.userconf.get(u, 'pw')
if (pw == ''):
# Passwordless login
pwcrypt = ''
# Normal MD5 password
pwcrypt = encryptPW(pw)
cline += " -p '%s'" % pwcrypt
skeldir = self.userconf.get(u, 'skel')
if skeldir:
# Custom home initialization directories in the profile
# always start with 'skel_'
skel = 'skel_' + skeldir
if skel not in userdirs:
cline += ' -k %s/%s' % (config.larch_build_dir + userdir0, skel)
# Allow for expert tweaking
cline += ' ' + self.userconf.get(u, 'expert')
# The user and the command to be run
clist.append((u, cline))
if userdirs:
# Copy custom 'skel' directories to temporary area in build space
supershell('rm -rf %s' % userdir)
supershell('mkdir -p %s' % userdir)
for ud in userdirs:
supershell('cp -r %s/%s %s/%s' %
(self.profile, ud, userdir, ud))
for u, cmd in clist:
if not command.chroot(cmd + ' ' + u):
run_error(_("User creation (%s) failed") % u[0])
return False
if os.path.isdir('%s/home/%s' % (self.installation0, u)):
supershell('mv %s/home/%s %s/home'
% (self.installation0, u, self.overlay))
# Move changed /etc/{group,gshadow,passwd,shadow} to overlay
supershell('mv %s/etc/{group,gshadow,passwd,shadow} %s/etc'
% (self.installation0, self.overlay))
# Restore system files in base installation
supershell('rm -rf %s/etc/skel' % self.installation0)
supershell('cp -a %s/* %s/etc' % (savedir, self.installation0))
return True
def system_check(self):
command.log("#Testing for necessary packages and kernel modules")
fail = ""
warn = ""
nplist = ["larch-live"]
mdep = config.ipath("lib/modules/%s/modules.dep" % self.kversion)
if Popen(["grep", "/squashfs.ko", mdep], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).wait() != 0:
fail += _("No squashfs module found\n")
if Popen(["grep", "/aufs.ko", mdep], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).wait() == 0:
elif Popen(["grep", "/unionfs.ko", mdep], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT).wait() == 0:
fail += _("No aufs or unionfs module found\n")
for p in nplist:
if not self.haspack(p):
fail += _("Package '%s' is needed by larch systems\n") % p
if not self.haspack("syslinux"):
warn += _("Without package 'syslinux' you will not be able\n"
"to create syslinux or isolinux booting media\n")
if (not self.haspack("cdrkit")) and (not self.haspack("cdrtools")):
warn += _("Without package 'cdrkit' (or 'cdrtools') you will\n"
"not be able to create CD/DVD media\n")
if not self.haspack("eject"):
warn += _("Without package 'eject' you will have problems\n"
"using CD/DVD media\n")
if warn:
cont = ui.confirmDialog(_("WARNING:\n%s"
"\n Continue building?") % warn)
cont = True
if fail:
ui.infoDialog(_("ERROR:\n%s") % fail)
return False
return cont
def haspack(self, package):
"""Check whether the given package is installed.
for p in os.listdir(config.ipath("var/lib/pacman/local")):
if p.rsplit("-", 2)[0] == package:
return True
return False
def find_kernel(self):
# The uncomfortable length of this function is deceptive,
# most of it is for dealing with errors.
command.log("#Seeking kernel information")
script = "%s/kernel" % self.profile
if os.path.isfile(script):
p = Popen([script], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
r = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode == 0:
self.kname, self.kversion = r.split()
fatal_error(_("Problem running %s:\n %s") % (script, r))
return False
kernels = glob(config.ipath("boot/vmlinuz*"))
if len(kernels) > 1:
fatal_error(_("More than one kernel found:\n %s") %
"\n ".join(kernels))
return False
elif not kernels:
fatal_error(_("No kernel found"))
return False
self.kname = os.path.basename(kernels[0])
self.kversion = None
for kv in os.listdir(config.ipath("lib/modules")):
if os.path.isfile(config.ipath("lib/modules/%s/modules.dep" % kv)):
if self.kversion:
fatal_error(_("More than one set of kernel modules in %s")
% config.ipath("lib/modules"))
return False
self.kversion = kv
kmpath = config.ipath("lib/modules/%s" % kv)
command.log("#Unexpected kernel files at %s" % kmpath)
# Try to find packages concerned
p = Popen(["find", ".", "-name", "*.ko"], cwd=kmpath,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
r = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode == 0:
packs = []
for km in r.split():
a = command.chroot("pacman -Qoq /lib/modules/%s/%s"
% (kv, km))
if a:
pack = "-".join(a[0].split())
if pack not in packs:
command.log("# Package: %s" % pack)
command.log("#Couldn't determine guilty packages")
if not ui.confirmDialog(_("WARNING:\n"
" You seem to have installed a package containing modules\n"
"which aren't compatible with your kernel (see log).\n"
"Please check that this won't cause problems.\n"
"Maybe you need the corresponding package for your kernel?\n"
"\n Continue building?")):
return False
if not self.kversion:
fatal_error(_("Couldn't find kernel modules"))
return False
command.log("#Kernel: %s - version: %s" % (self.kname, self.kversion))
command.chroot("depmod %s" % self.kversion)
return True
def gen_initramfs(self):
# Fix up larch mkinitcpio.conf for unionfs/aufs
conf = self.overlay + "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf.larch"
if os.path.isfile(conf + "0"):
conf0 = conf + "0"
conf0 = self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf.larch0"
supershell("sed 's|___aufs___|%s|g' <%s >%s" % (self.ufs, conf0, conf))
presets = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob(
self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26*.preset")]
if len(presets) != 1:
run_error(_("Couldn't find usable mkinitcpio preset: %s") %
self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26*.preset")
return False
# Save original preset file (unless a '*.larchsave' is already present)
idir = self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d"
oldir = self.overlay + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d"
if not os.path.isfile("%s/%s.larchsave" % (idir, presets[0])):
supershell("mkdir -p %s" % oldir)
supershell("cp %s/%s %s/%s.larchsave" %
(idir, presets[0], oldir, presets[0]))
# Adjust larch.preset file for custom kernels
supershell("sed 's|___|%s|' <%s/larch.preset0 >%s/larch.preset" %
(presets[0].rsplit(".", 1)[0], idir, oldir))
# Replace 'normal' preset in overlay
supershell("cp %s/larch.preset %s/%s" % (oldir, oldir, presets[0]))
# Generate initramfs
return command.chroot("mkinitcpio -k %s -c %s -g %s" %
config.overlay_build_dir + "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf.larch",
config.medium_dir + "/boot/larch.img"))
def encryptPW(pw):
salt = '$1$'
for i in range(8):
salt += random.choice("./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
return crypt.crypt(pw, salt)