Adrian Chaves Fernandez (Gallaecio)
Rebuilt enet (it has already pkgrel 2 on the repo, just committing that change to git too).
2012-03-10 15:29:42 +00:00 |
Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio)
Upgraded Enet to its 1.3.3 version. Upgraded 0 A.D. to its sixth alpha, removed old patches (arch detection works, gtk strip is done from PKGBUILD now), and compiled it against new Enet version. Also, rebuilt against new Enet Lips of Suna, Speed Dreams and SuperTuxKart.
2011-07-11 02:34:22 +00:00 |
Adrian Chaves Fernandez (Gallaecio)
Added new version of Enet, 1.2.4, with rebuild of 0 A.D., Lips of Suna, Speed Dreams, and SuperTuxKart. Lips of Suna was also upgraded to its latest version, 0.3.1. Also, SuperTuxKart was upgraded to its latest version, 0.7.1b, which also meant Irrlicht was replaced by a SVN version of itself, and SuperTuxKart packages for tracks and karts were removed, since they can be installed from the game itself.
2011-06-03 06:07:34 +00:00 |
Added replace array to replace enet-old.
2011-02-13 14:51:00 +00:00 |
'enet-old' is now named just 'enet', and was upgraded to its 1.2.3 version. 1.2.x branch still needed for 0ad, and probably for SuperTuxKart.
2011-02-10 18:59:17 +00:00 |