# $Id$ # Maintainer: Felix Yan # Maintainer: Antonio Rojas # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino # Contributor: Ronald van Haren pkgname=calligra pkgdesc="A set of applications for productivity and creative usage" pkgver= pkgrel=1 arch=('x86_64') url='http://www.calligra-suite.org/' license=('FDL1.2' 'GPL2' 'LGPL') depends=('kcmutils' 'knotifyconfig' 'kross' 'ktexteditor' 'threadweaver' 'kactivities' 'kdiagram' 'kreport' 'libspnav' 'gsl' 'openexr' 'kcontacts' 'kcalcore' 'qca-qt5' 'poppler-qt5' 'libodfgen' 'qt5-webkit' 'cauchy') makedepends=('extra-cmake-modules' 'kdoctools' 'python' 'kdesignerplugin' 'khtml' 'boost' 'openjpeg' 'libwpg' 'okular' 'eigen' 'marble-common' 'pstoedit' 'libvisio' 'libetonyek' 'libodfgen' 'libwps' 'vc') optdepends=('libwpg: Corel WordPerfect Graphics image importer' 'libwps: Microsoft Works file word processor format import' 'libvisio: Microsoft Visio import filter' 'libetonyek: Apple Keynote import filter' 'pstoedit: EPS to SVG filter' 'poppler: PDF to SVG filter' 'khtml: HTML to ODS filter' 'openjpeg: PDF to SVG filer') conflicts=('calligra-devtools' 'calligra-extras' 'calligra-filters' 'calligra-karbon' 'karbon' 'calligra-libs' 'calligra-plan' 'calligra-plugins' 'calligra-sheets' 'calligra-stage' 'calligra-words' 'calligra-l10n' 'calligra-meta' 'calligra-flow' 'calligra-braindump' 'calligra-gemini' 'calligra-handbook') replaces=('calligra-devtools' 'calligra-extras' 'calligra-filters' 'calligra-karbon' 'karbon' 'calligra-libs' 'calligra-plan' 'calligra-plugins' 'calligra-sheets' 'calligra-stage' 'calligra-words' 'calligra-l10n' 'calligra-meta') for _lang in bs ca ca@valencia cs da de el en_gb es et fi fr gl hu it ja kk nb nl \ pl pt pt_br ru sk sv uk zh_cn zh_tw; do conflicts+=(calligra-l10n-$_lang) replaces+=(calligra-l10n-$_lang) done source=("http://download.kde.org/stable/$pkgname/$pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.xz"{,.sig}) sha256sums=('dedc51efc42f7dda37514d450cb772d9db37a658e0abbcf0f513712a04c1f011' 'SKIP') validpgpkeys=(05D00A8B73A686789E0A156858B9596C722EA3BD) # Boudewijn Rempt prepare() { mkdir -p build } build() { cd build cmake ../${pkgbase}-${pkgver} \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DKDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF make } package() { cd build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install rm -rf $pkgdir/usr/share/templates/.source }