pkgname=qtcreator pkgver=4.7.2 _pkgver=4.7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment' arch=('x86_64') url='' license=('LGPL') depends=('qt5-tools' 'qt5-quickcontrols' 'qt5-quickcontrols2' 'qt5-webengine' 'gnutls' 'qbs=1.12.1' 'clang') makedepends=('git' 'mesa' 'llvm' 'python2') options=('docs') optdepends=('qt5-doc: for the integrated Qt documentation' 'qt5-examples: welcome page examples' 'qt5-translations: for other languages' 'gdb: for the debugger' 'cmake: for cmake project support' 'openssh-askpass: for ssh support' 'git: for git support' 'mercurial: for mercurial support' 'bzr: for bazaar support' 'valgrind: for analyze support') source=("${pkgname}/${_pkgver}/${pkgver}/qt-creator-opensource-src-${pkgver}.tar.gz" qtcreator-clang-plugins.patch) md5sums=('7c071e29df9aa454ed45807e149fc753' '96d0947e5aa7230167aedf2a38a95f24') prepare() { [[ -d build ]] && rm -r build mkdir build cd $srcdir/qt-creator-opensource-src-${pkgver} # fix hardcoded libexec path sed -e 's|libexec\/qtcreator|lib\/qtcreator|g' -i qtcreator.pri # use system qbs msg "Required qbs version is $(cat src/shared/qbs/VERSION)" msg "Removing built-in qbs" rm -r src/shared/qbs # Load analyzer plugins on demand, since upstream clang doesn't link to all plugins # see # and patch -p1 -i ../qtcreator-clang-plugins.patch } build() { cd build qmake-qt5 LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr QBS_INSTALL_DIR=/usr CONFIG+=journald QMAKE_CFLAGS_ISYSTEM=-I \ DEFINES+=QBS_ENABLE_PROJECT_FILE_UPDATES "$srcdir"/qt-creator-opensource-src-${pkgver}/ make make docs } package() { cd build make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}/usr/" install make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}/usr/" install_docs install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/qt-creator-opensource-src-${pkgver}/LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/qtcreator/LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT }