2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
# Contributions from Arch:
# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos@foutrelis.com>
# Contributor: Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de>
# Contributor: Jan "heftig" Steffens <jan.steffens@gmail.com>
# Contributor: Daniel J Griffiths <ghost1227@archlinux.us>
# Possible replacements are listed in build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py
# Keys are the names in the above script; values are the dependencies in Chakra
declare -rgA _system_libs=(
#[libxml]=libxml2 # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/29939
#[zlib]=zlib # Error during build
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-12-04 17:35:18 +08:00
2016-03-25 09:29:46 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
pkgdesc="The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser"
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-24 19:58:13 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
depends=('gtk3' 'nss' 'alsa-lib' 'xdg-utils' 'libxss' 'libexif' 'libgcrypt'
2016-10-27 20:56:52 +08:00
'ttf-font' 'systemd' 'dbus' 'libpulse' 'pciutils' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2016-12-04 17:35:18 +08:00
makedepends=('python2' 'gperf' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'ninja' 'gtk2' 'git')
2016-10-27 20:56:52 +08:00
optdepends=('kwallet: for storing passwords in KWallet'
'gtk2: for pepper-flash plugin')
2016-11-10 15:43:19 +08:00
#install=chromium.install # We should drop it now.
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 20:56:52 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2016-12-04 17:35:18 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2016-12-04 17:35:18 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2016-10-27 20:56:52 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2016-12-04 17:35:18 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2016-10-27 20:56:52 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2013-05-06 05:00:21 +08:00
# Google API keys (see http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys)
# Note: These are for Chakra Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
# get your own set of keys.
2014-06-14 21:55:19 +08:00
prepare() {
2013-05-23 05:20:15 +08:00
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
2014-10-13 02:36:22 +08:00
2015-10-30 04:05:13 +08:00
# https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/topic/chromium-packagers/9JX1N2nf4PU/discussion
touch chrome/test/data/webui/i18n_process_css_test.html
2013-05-06 05:00:21 +08:00
# Set DDG as default search
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/template_url_prepopulate_data.diff"
patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/search_engine_type.diff"
patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/prepopulated_engines_json.diff"
2015-07-08 12:01:05 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
# Enable support for the Widevine CDM plugin
# libwidevinecdm.so is not included, but can be copied over from Chrome
# (Version string doesn't seem to matter so let's go with "Pinkie Pie")
sed "s/@WIDEVINE_VERSION@/Pinkie Pie/" ../chromium-widevine.patch |
patch -Np1
2016-10-24 19:58:13 +08:00
# Disable MADV_FREE (if set by glibc)
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1361157
patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-52.0.2743.116-unset-madv_free.patch
2016-12-04 17:35:18 +08:00
# Build fixes from Gentoo
patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-system-ffmpeg-r4.patch
2016-10-24 19:58:13 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
# Work around bug in blink in which GCC 6 optimizes away null pointer checks
# https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=833524
# https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=68853#c2
sed -i '/config("compiler")/ a cflags_cc = [ "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" ]' \
# Use Python 2
find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -i -r 's|/usr/bin/python$|&2|g' {} +
# There are still a lot of relative calls which need a workaround
mkdir -p "$srcdir/python2-path"
ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 "$srcdir/python2-path/python"
# Remove bundled libraries for which we will use the system copies; this
# *should* do what the remove_bundled_libraries.py script does, with the
# added benefit of not having to list all the remaining libraries
local _lib
for _lib in ${!_system_libs[@]} ${_system_libs[libjpeg]+libjpeg_turbo}; do
find -type f -path "*third_party/$_lib/*" \
\! -path "*third_party/$_lib/chromium/*" \
\! -path "*third_party/$_lib/google/*" \
\! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\|py\)' \
python2 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py \
--system-libraries "${!_system_libs[@]}"
python2 third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/tools/update-strings.py
2014-06-14 21:55:19 +08:00
build() {
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
2014-10-13 02:36:22 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
export PATH="$srcdir/python2-path:$PATH"
export TMPDIR="$srcdir/temp"
mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
local _flags=(
python2 tools/gn/bootstrap/bootstrap.py --gn-gen-args "${_flags[*]}"
out/Release/gn gen out/Release --args="${_flags[*]}" \
2016-10-24 19:58:13 +08:00
ninja -C out/Release chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver widevinecdmadapter
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
package() {
2013-05-23 05:20:15 +08:00
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
install -D out/Release/chrome "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chromium"
install -Dm644 out/Release/chrome.1 "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/chromium.1"
install -Dm644 "$srcdir/chromium.desktop" \
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
install -Dm4755 out/Release/chrome_sandbox \
2014-06-14 21:55:19 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
cp -a out/Release/{*.pak,*.bin,chromedriver,libwidevinecdmadapter.so,icudtl.dat} \
out/Release/locales \
out/Release/gen/content/content_resources.pak \
2016-03-04 08:15:14 +08:00
2014-10-13 02:36:22 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
install -D "$srcdir/chromium.sh" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/chromium"
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
ln -s /usr/lib/chromium/chromedriver "$pkgdir/usr/bin/chromedriver"
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
for size in 22 24 48 64 128 256; do
install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \
2014-06-14 21:55:19 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2016-10-27 15:22:17 +08:00
2013-05-06 05:00:21 +08:00
for size in 16 32; do
install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \
2014-06-14 21:55:19 +08:00
2013-05-06 05:00:21 +08:00
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00
2014-06-14 21:55:19 +08:00
install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE"
2013-04-29 02:49:39 +08:00