post_install() { post_upgrade passwd -l amule &>/dev/null } _config_instructions() { echo "If you plan to use external client (e.g. amuleGUI or amuleweb) then you need to" echo "provide [ExternalConnect] configuration." echo "You also need to specify amuleweb password." echo "Please follow for more information." echo "amuleweb can be started as 'systemctl start amuleweb'." } post_upgrade() { # create user/group that the daemon will run as by default, do not delete this on uninstall, as it will own files getent group amule >/dev/null || groupadd --system amule getent passwd amule >/dev/null || useradd --system -c 'aMule Client' -g amule -d '/var/lib/amule' -m -s /bin/false amule if [ ! -e /var/lib/amule/.aMule/amule.conf ]; then _config_instructions fi } post_remove() { # TOTHINK: delete homedir and user account/group? #getent passwd amule >/dev/null && userdel amule #getent group amule >/dev/null && groupdel amule true }