# WARNING!!!!! # If you are going to modify this package (other than just update it) keep in mind that: # the launcher is steam_launcher.sh that # a) prints a warning about Chakra not being officially supported by steam and points to the Chakra wiki for games that don't work. This requires kdialog # b) add an hack to use Chakra libs than steam owns that give a lot of problems # https://chakralinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=Steam#Missing_Direct_Rendering # # The steam.sh launcher needs zenity but we have qarma that is a replacement of it written in Qt # I don't want to add qarma as direct dependency because a user can chose to install qarma or zenity and it doesn't change anything, rather than installing qarma as hard dep in any case (and this is not KISS) # Also pacman installs qarma fine # # NOTE If you are thinking something like: # "I don't like this, put everything under optdepends because it's easier to do/I don't like hack, who cares, I don't even use steam" # keep in mind everytime steam won't work we have a new issue on the forum to take care or an user we lost because she can't play games on Chakra # Are you going to accept responsibility for that? # Are you going to help EVERY user that has problem with steam that this hack could prevent? # And do this for the next years? If the answer's no, then don't touch this PKGBUILD (you can just update it) pkgname=steam pkgver= pkgrel=4 pkgdesc="Digital distribution client bootstrap package" arch=('x86_64') url="http://steampowered.com/" license=('custom') optdepends=('lib32-flashplugin: for flash video' 'freshplayerplugin: alternative flash video support' 'lib32-alsa-plugins: for pulseaudio on some games' 'lib32-mesa: for open source driver users' 'lib32-catalyst-utils: for AMD Catalyst users' 'lib32-nvidia-utils: for NVIDIA proprietary blob users' 'lib32-primus: for NVIDIA + Bumblebee users') install=steam.install source=("http://repo.steampowered.com/$pkgname/pool/$pkgname/s/$pkgname/${pkgname}_$pkgver.tar.gz" 'alsa_sdl_audiodriver.patch' 'steam_launcher.sh') sha256sums=('10932f2e58b0d0288e0820b8e97e6f3112409f770ecb64c3cd44e87450c1c944' '174a110eda1c9d5b1c92a4490b266b31918559bbf8292a94905221c92da4bc0e' '9b54b38abd3b8b449a445069d21f042b542ca5c4edd82908b5f68c7377dd7f19') prepare() { patch -d "$pkgname" -Np1 -i "$srcdir/alsa_sdl_audiodriver.patch" } package() { depends=( 'bash' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'curl' 'dbus' 'freetype2' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'ttf-liberation' 'kde-baseapps-kdialog' 'python3' 'lib32-sdl' 'lib32-libvorbis' 'lib32-alsa-lib' 'lib32-libgl' 'lib32-libgcrypt' 'lib32-nss' 'lib32-openal' 'lib32-gcc-libs' 'lib32-libx11' 'lib32-libxss' 'lib32-libxshmfence' 'zenity') make -C "$pkgname" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # Install license install -Dm644 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/steam/steam_install_agreement.txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/steam/LICENSE" # blank steamdeps because apt-get ln -sf /bin/true "$pkgdir/usr/bin/steamdeps" install -Dm644 $srcdir/steam/lib/udev/rules.d/99-steam-controller-perms.rules $pkgdir/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-steam-controller-perms.rules # window that points the user to the Steam's wiki page # and also add an hack to load chakra libs instead of steam ones install -D steam_launcher.sh $pkgdir/usr/bin/steam_launcher.sh sed -i s!"Exec=/usr/bin/steam %U"!"Exec=/usr/bin/steam_launcher.sh"! \ $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/steam.desktop }