*** a/steam 2015-05-05 20:18:12.000000000 +0200 --- b/steam 2015-10-17 15:40:20.882051149 +0200 *************** *** 21,32 **** { style=$1 shift ! if ! zenity "$style" --text="$*" 2>/dev/null; then case "$style" in --error) title=$"Error" ;; ! --warning) title=$"Warning" ;; *) --- 21,32 ---- { style=$1 shift ! if ! kdialog "$style" "$*" 2>/dev/null; then case "$style" in --error) title=$"Error" ;; ! --sorry) title=$"Warning" ;; *) *************** *** 63,69 **** fi # Get the default data path ! STEAM_DATA_HOME="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}" case "$STEAMPACKAGE" in steam) CLASSICSTEAMDIR="$HOME/Steam" --- 63,70 ---- fi # Get the default data path ! HOME=~ ! STEAM_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share case "$STEAMPACKAGE" in steam) CLASSICSTEAMDIR="$HOME/Steam" *************** *** 106,118 **** # put the Steam icon on the user's desktop # try to read ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs to get the current desktop configuration # http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs ! test -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" && source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" ! DESKTOP_DIR="${XDG_DESKTOP_DIR:-$HOME/Desktop}" ! if [ -d "$DESKTOP_DIR" ]; then ! cp "/usr/share/applications/$STEAMPACKAGE.desktop" "$DESKTOP_DIR" ! chmod +x "$DESKTOP_DIR/$STEAMPACKAGE.desktop" ! fi # Restore the umask umask "$omask" --- 107,119 ---- # put the Steam icon on the user's desktop # try to read ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs to get the current desktop configuration # http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs ! # test -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" && source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" ! # DESKTOP_DIR="${XDG_DESKTOP_DIR:-$HOME/Desktop}" ! # if [ -d "$DESKTOP_DIR" ]; then ! # cp "/usr/share/applications/$STEAMPACKAGE.desktop" "$DESKTOP_DIR" ! # chmod +x "$DESKTOP_DIR/$STEAMPACKAGE.desktop" ! # fi # Restore the umask umask "$omask" *************** *** 159,167 **** install_bootstrap "$DEFAULTSTEAMDIR" elif ! check_bootstrap "$LAUNCHSTEAMDIR"; then # We have the data link but we can't find the data, prompt the user ! if zenity --question --text=$"Couldn't find Steam content, did you move it?" --ok-label=$"Search" --cancel-label=$"Reinstall"; then while true; do ! STEAMDIR="`zenity --file-selection --directory`" if [[ -z "$STEAMDIR" ]]; then # User canceled exit 0 --- 160,168 ---- install_bootstrap "$DEFAULTSTEAMDIR" elif ! check_bootstrap "$LAUNCHSTEAMDIR"; then # We have the data link but we can't find the data, prompt the user ! if kdialog --yesno=$"Couldn't find Steam content, did you move it?" --yes-label "Search" --no-label "Reinstall"; then while true; do ! STEAMDIR="`kdialog --getexistingdirectory /`" if [[ -z "$STEAMDIR" ]]; then # User canceled exit 0