// Copyright (c) 2020 tickstep. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/global" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode" "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" "github.com/peterh/liner" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdliner" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdliner/args" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdtable" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdutil" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdutil/escaper" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/command" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/config" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/panupdate" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/utils" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/converter" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/logger" "github.com/urfave/cli" ) const ( // NameShortDisplayNum 文件名缩略显示长度 NameShortDisplayNum = 16 ) var ( // Version 版本号 Version = "v0.3.0" // 命令历史文件 historyFilePath = filepath.Join(config.GetConfigDir(), "aliyunpan_command_history.txt") // 是否是交互命令行形态 isCli bool ) func init() { global.AppVersion = Version cmdutil.ChWorkDir() err := config.Config.Init() switch err { case nil: case config.ErrConfigFileNoPermission, config.ErrConfigContentsParseError: fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FATAL ERROR: config file error: %s\n", err) //os.Exit(1) default: fmt.Printf("WARNING: config init error: %s\n", err) } } func checkLoginExpiredAndRelogin() { command.ReloadConfigFunc(nil) activeUser := config.Config.ActiveUser() if activeUser == nil || activeUser.UserId == "" { // maybe expired, try to login command.TryLogin() } else { // 刷新过期Token并保存到配置文件 command.RefreshWebTokenInNeed(activeUser, config.Config.DeviceName) command.RefreshOpenTokenInNeed(activeUser) } command.SaveConfigFunc(nil) } func main() { defer config.Config.Close() // check & relogin checkLoginExpiredAndRelogin() // check token expired task go func() { for { // Token刷新进程,不管是CLI命令行模式,还是直接命令模式,本刷新任务都会执行 time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Minute) //time.Sleep(time.Duration(5) * time.Second) for _, u := range config.Config.UserList { if u.UserId == config.Config.ActiveUID { if u.PanClient() != nil { checkLoginExpiredAndRelogin() } } } } }() app := cli.NewApp() cmder.SetApp(app) app.Name = "aliyunpan" app.Version = Version app.Author = "tickstep/aliyunpan: https://github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan" app.Copyright = "(c) 2021-2024 tickstep." app.Usage = "阿里云盘客户端 for " + runtime.GOOS + "/" + runtime.GOARCH app.Description = `aliyunpan 是一款阿里云盘命令行客户端工具, 为操作阿里云盘, 提供实用功能。 支持同步备份功能,支持备份本地文件到云盘,备份云盘文件到本地,双向同步备份。 具体功能, 参见 COMMANDS 列表。 支持设置环境变量 ALIYUNPAN_CONFIG_DIR 更改配置文件存储路径: export ALIYUNPAN_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/aliyunpan/config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 前往 https://github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan 以获取更多帮助信息! 前往 https://github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/releases 以获取程序更新信息! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 交流反馈: 提交Issue: https://github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/issues 联系邮箱: tickstep@outlook.com` // 全局options app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose", Usage: "启用调试", EnvVar: config.EnvVerbose, Destination: &logger.IsVerbose, }, } // 进入交互CLI命令行界面 app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) { if c.NArg() != 0 { fmt.Printf("未找到命令: %s\n运行命令 %s help 获取帮助\n", c.Args().Get(0), app.Name) return } os.Setenv(config.EnvVerbose, c.String("verbose")) isCli = true global.IsAppInCliMode = true logger.Verbosef("提示: 你已经开启VERBOSE调试日志\n\n") var ( line = cmdliner.NewLiner() err error ) line.History, err = cmdliner.NewLineHistory(historyFilePath) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("警告: 读取历史命令文件错误, %s\n", err) } line.ReadHistory() defer func() { line.DoWriteHistory() line.Close() }() // tab 自动补全命令 line.State.SetCompleter(func(line string) (s []string) { var ( lineArgs = args.Parse(line) numArgs = len(lineArgs) acceptCompleteFileCommands = []string{ "cd", "cp", "xcp", "download", "ls", "mkdir", "mv", "pwd", "rename", "rm", "share", "save", "upload", "login", "loglist", "logout", "clear", "quit", "exit", "quota", "who", "sign", "update", "who", "su", "config", "drive", "export", "import", "sync", "tree", } closed = strings.LastIndex(line, " ") == len(line)-1 ) for _, cmd := range app.Commands { for _, name := range cmd.Names() { if !strings.HasPrefix(name, line) { continue } s = append(s, name+" ") } } switch numArgs { case 0: return case 1: if !closed { return } } thisCmd := app.Command(lineArgs[0]) if thisCmd == nil { return } if !cmdutil.ContainsString(acceptCompleteFileCommands, thisCmd.FullName()) { return } var ( activeUser = config.Config.ActiveUser() runeFunc = unicode.IsSpace cmdRuneFunc = func(r rune) bool { switch r { case '\'', '"': return true } return unicode.IsSpace(r) } targetPath string ) if activeUser == nil { return } if !closed { targetPath = lineArgs[numArgs-1] escaper.EscapeStringsByRuneFunc(lineArgs[:numArgs-1], runeFunc) // 转义 } else { escaper.EscapeStringsByRuneFunc(lineArgs, runeFunc) } switch { case targetPath == "." || strings.HasSuffix(targetPath, "/."): s = append(s, line+"/") return case targetPath == ".." || strings.HasSuffix(targetPath, "/.."): s = append(s, line+"/") return } var ( targetDir string isAbs = path.IsAbs(targetPath) isDir = strings.LastIndex(targetPath, "/") == len(targetPath)-1 ) if isAbs { targetDir = path.Dir(targetPath) } else { wd := "/" if activeUser.IsFileDriveActive() { wd = activeUser.Workdir } else if activeUser.IsResourceDriveActive() { wd = activeUser.ResourceWorkdir } else if activeUser.IsAlbumDriveActive() { wd = activeUser.AlbumWorkdir } targetDir = path.Join(wd, targetPath) if !isDir { targetDir = path.Dir(targetDir) } } // tab键补全路径 files, err := activeUser.CacheFilesDirectoriesList(targetDir) if err != nil { return } for _, file := range files { if file == nil { continue } var ( appendLine string ) // 已经有的情况 if !closed { if !strings.HasPrefix(file.Path, path.Clean(path.Join(targetDir, path.Base(targetPath)))) { if path.Base(targetDir) == path.Base(targetPath) { appendLine = strings.Join(append(lineArgs[:numArgs-1], escaper.EscapeByRuneFunc(path.Join(targetPath, file.FileName), cmdRuneFunc)), " ") goto handle } continue } appendLine = strings.Join(append(lineArgs[:numArgs-1], escaper.EscapeByRuneFunc(path.Clean(path.Join(path.Dir(targetPath), file.FileName)), cmdRuneFunc)), " ") goto handle } // 没有的情况 appendLine = strings.Join(append(lineArgs, escaper.EscapeByRuneFunc(file.FileName, cmdRuneFunc)), " ") goto handle handle: if file.IsFolder() { s = append(s, appendLine+"/") continue } s = append(s, appendLine+" ") continue } return }) fmt.Printf("提示: 方向键上下可切换历史命令.\n") fmt.Printf("提示: Ctrl + A / E 跳转命令 首 / 尾.\n") fmt.Printf("提示: 输入 help 获取帮助.\n") // check update command.ReloadConfigFunc(c) if config.Config.UpdateCheckInfo.LatestVer != "" { if utils.ParseVersionNum(config.Config.UpdateCheckInfo.LatestVer) > utils.ParseVersionNum(global.AppVersion) { fmt.Printf("\n当前的软件版本为:%s, 现在有新版本 %s 可供更新,强烈推荐进行更新!(可以输入 update 命令进行更新)\n\n", global.AppVersion, config.Config.UpdateCheckInfo.LatestVer) } } go func() { latestCheckTime := config.Config.UpdateCheckInfo.CheckTime nowTime := time.Now().Unix() secsOf12Hour := int64(43200) if (nowTime - latestCheckTime) > secsOf12Hour { releaseInfo := panupdate.GetLatestReleaseInfo(false) if releaseInfo == nil { logger.Verboseln("获取版本信息失败!") return } config.Config.UpdateCheckInfo.LatestVer = releaseInfo.TagName config.Config.UpdateCheckInfo.CheckTime = nowTime // save command.SaveConfigFunc(c) } }() for { var ( prompt string activeUser = config.Config.ActiveUser() ) if activeUser == nil { activeUser = command.TryLogin() } if activeUser != nil && activeUser.Nickname != "" { // 格式: aliyunpan:<工作目录> $ // 工作目录太长时, 会自动缩略 wd := "/" if activeUser.IsFileDriveActive() { wd = activeUser.Workdir prompt = app.Name + ":" + converter.ShortDisplay(path.Base(wd), NameShortDisplayNum) + " " + activeUser.Nickname + "(备份盘)$ " } else if activeUser.IsResourceDriveActive() { wd = activeUser.ResourceWorkdir prompt = app.Name + ":" + converter.ShortDisplay(path.Base(wd), NameShortDisplayNum) + " " + activeUser.Nickname + "(资源库)$ " } else if activeUser.IsAlbumDriveActive() { wd = activeUser.AlbumWorkdir prompt = app.Name + ":" + converter.ShortDisplay(path.Base(wd), NameShortDisplayNum) + " " + activeUser.Nickname + "(相册)$ " } } else { // aliyunpan > prompt = app.Name + " > " } commandLine, err := line.State.Prompt(prompt) switch err { case liner.ErrPromptAborted: return case nil: // continue default: fmt.Println(err) return } line.State.AppendHistory(commandLine) cmdArgs := args.Parse(commandLine) if len(cmdArgs) == 0 { continue } s := []string{os.Args[0]} s = append(s, cmdArgs...) // 恢复原始终端状态 // 防止运行命令时程序被结束, 终端出现异常 line.Pause() c.App.Run(s) line.Resume() } } // 命令配置和对应的处理func app.Commands = []cli.Command{ // 登录账号 login command.CmdLogin(), // 退出登录帐号 logout command.CmdLogout(), // 列出帐号列表 loglist command.CmdLoglist(), // 切换网盘 drive command.CmdDrive(), // 切换阿里账号 su command.CmdSu(), // 获取当前帐号 who command.CmdWho(), // 获取当前帐号空间配额 quota command.CmdQuota(), // Token操作 //command.CmdToken(), // 切换工作目录 cd command.CmdCd(), // 输出工作目录 pwd command.CmdPwd(), // 列出目录 ls command.CmdLs(), // 显示树形目录 tree command.CmdTree(), // 创建目录 mkdir command.CmdMkdir(), // 删除文件/目录 rm command.CmdRm(), //// 拷贝文件/目录 cp //command.CmdCp(), // 备份盘和资源库之间拷贝文件 xcp command.CmdXcp(), // 复制文件/目录 cp command.CmdCp(), // 移动文件/目录 mv command.CmdMv(), // 重命名文件 rename command.CmdRename(), // 分享文件/目录 share command.CmdShare(), // 保存分享文件/目录 save command.CmdSave(), // 同步备份 sync command.CmdSync(), // 上传文件/目录 upload command.CmdUpload(), // 手动秒传 //command.CmdRapidUpload(), // 下载文件/目录 download command.CmdDownload(), // 获取文件下载链接 //command.CmdLocateUrl(), // 导出文件/目录元数据 export //command.CmdExport(), // 导入文件 import //command.CmdImport(), // webdav服务(depressed) //command.CmdWebdav(), // 回收站 command.CmdRecycle(), // 显示和修改程序配置项 config command.CmdConfig(), // 工具箱 tool command.CmdTool(), // 相簿 //command.CmdAlbum(), // 先移除,需要重构&适配 // 显示命令历史 { Name: "history", Aliases: []string{}, Usage: "显示命令历史", UsageText: app.Name + " history", Description: `显示命令历史 示例: 1. 显示最近命令历史 aliyunpan history 2. 显示最近10条命令历史 aliyunpan history -n 10 3. 显示全部命令历史 aliyunpan history -n 0 `, Category: "其他", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { lineCount := 20 if c.IsSet("n") { lineCount = c.Int("n") } printTable := func(lines []string) { tb := cmdtable.NewTable(os.Stdout) tb.SetHeader([]string{"序号", "命令"}) tb.SetHeaderAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) tb.SetColumnAlignment([]int{tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT, tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT}) idx := 1 for _, line := range lines { if line == "" { continue } tb.Append([]string{strconv.Itoa(idx + 1), line}) idx++ } tb.Render() } if contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(historyFilePath); err == nil { result := strings.Split(string(contents), "\n") if lineCount == 0 { printTable(result) } else { outputLine := make([]string, 0) for idx := len(result) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- { line := result[idx] if line != "" { outputLine = append(outputLine, line) } if len(outputLine) >= lineCount { break } } lines := make([]string, 0) for idx := len(outputLine) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- { lines = append(lines, outputLine[idx]) } printTable(lines) } } return nil }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.IntFlag{ Name: "n", Usage: "显示最近历史的行数。0-代表全部,默认为20", Value: 20, }, }, }, // 清空控制台 clear { Name: "clear", Aliases: []string{"cls"}, Usage: "清空控制台", UsageText: app.Name + " clear", Description: "清空控制台屏幕", Category: "其他", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { cmdliner.ClearScreen() return nil }, }, // 检测程序更新 update { Name: "update", Usage: "检测程序更新", Category: "其他", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.IsSet("y") { if !c.Bool("y") { return nil } } panupdate.CheckUpdate(app.Version, c.Bool("y")) return nil }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "y", Usage: "确认更新", }, }, }, // 退出程序 quit { Name: "quit", Aliases: []string{"exit"}, Usage: "退出程序", Description: "退出程序", Category: "其他", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { return cli.NewExitError("", 0) }, Hidden: true, HideHelp: true, }, // 执行系统命令 { Name: "run", Usage: "执行系统命令", Category: "其他", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() == 0 { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, c.Command.Name) return nil } cmd := exec.Command(c.Args().First(), c.Args().Tail()...) cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } return nil }, }, // 调试用 debug //{ // Name: "debug", // Aliases: []string{"dg"}, // Usage: "开发调试用", // Description: "", // Category: "debug", // Before: cmder.ReloadConfigFunc, // Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { // os.Setenv(config.EnvVerbose, "1") // logger.IsVerbose = true // fmt.Println("显示调试日志", logger.IsVerbose) // return nil // }, // Flags: []cli.Flag{ // cli.StringFlag{ // Name: "param", // Usage: "参数", // }, // cli.BoolFlag{ // Name: "verbose", // Destination: &logger.IsVerbose, // EnvVar: config.EnvVerbose, // Usage: "显示调试信息", // }, // }, //}, } sort.Sort(cli.FlagsByName(app.Flags)) sort.Sort(cli.CommandsByName(app.Commands)) app.Run(os.Args) }