// Copyright (c) 2020 tickstep. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package command import ( "fmt" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan-api/aliyunpan" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan-api/aliyunpan/apiutil" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/config" "github.com/urfave/cli" "path" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" ) type ( fileItem struct { file *aliyunpan.FileEntity newFileName string } fileArray []*fileItem ) func newFileItem(file *aliyunpan.FileEntity) *fileItem { return &fileItem{ file: file, newFileName: "", } } func (x fileArray) Len() int { return len(x) } func (x fileArray) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].file.FileName < x[j].file.FileName } func (x fileArray) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] } func CmdRename() cli.Command { return cli.Command{ Name: "rename", Usage: "重命名文件", UsageText: `重命名文件: aliyunpan rename <旧文件/目录名> <新文件/目录名>`, Description: ` 示例: 1. 将文件 1.mp4 重命名为 2.mp4 aliyunpan rename 1.mp4 2.mp4 2. 将文件 /test/1.mp4 重命名为 /test/2.mp4 要求必须是同一个文件目录内 aliyunpan rename /test/1.mp4 /test/2.mp4 批量重命名,规则:rename [expression] [replacement] [file] 其中, expression - 表达式,即文件名中需要去掉的部分,如果为*代表旧的文件名全部去掉 replacement - 需要替换的新文件名,如果包含 # 号会按顺序替换成数字编号 file - 文件匹配模式,指定需要查找的文件匹配字符串,支持通配符,例如:*.mp4 即当前目录下所有的mp4文件 3. 批量重命名,将当前目录下所有.mp4文件中包含的字符串 "我的视频" 全部改成 "视频" aliyunpan rename 我的视频 视频 *.mp4 4. 批量重命名,将当前目录下所有.mp4文件全部进行 "视频+编号.mp4" 的重命名操作,旧的名称全部去掉,即:视频001.mp4, 视频002.mp4, 视频003.mp4... aliyunpan rename * 视频###.mp4 *.mp4 5. 批量重命名,将当前目录下所有.mp4文件全部进行 "视频+编号.mp4" 的重命名操作,旧的名称全部去掉,直接重命名无需人工确认操作 aliyunpan rename -y * 视频###.mp4 *.mp4 `, Category: "阿里云盘", Before: ReloadConfigFunc, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() != 2 && c.NArg() != 3 { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, c.Command.Name) return nil } if config.Config.ActiveUser() == nil { fmt.Println("未登录账号") return nil } if c.NArg() == 2 { RunRename(parseDriveId(c), c.Args().Get(0), c.Args().Get(1)) } else if c.NArg() == 3 { // 批量重命名 RunRenameBatch(c.Bool("y"), parseDriveId(c), c.Args().Get(0), c.Args().Get(1), c.Args().Get(2)) } return nil }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "driveId", Usage: "网盘ID", Value: "", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "y", Usage: "跳过人工确认,对批量操作有效", }, }, } } func RunRename(driveId string, oldName string, newName string) { if oldName == "" { fmt.Println("请指定命名文件") return } if newName == "" { fmt.Println("请指定文件新名称") return } activeUser := GetActiveUser() oldName = activeUser.PathJoin(driveId, strings.TrimSpace(oldName)) newName = activeUser.PathJoin(driveId, strings.TrimSpace(newName)) if path.Dir(oldName) != path.Dir(newName) { fmt.Println("只能命名同一个目录的文件") return } if !apiutil.CheckFileNameValid(path.Base(newName)) { fmt.Println("文件名不能包含特殊字符:" + apiutil.FileNameSpecialChars) return } fileId := "" r, err := GetActivePanClient().FileInfoByPath(driveId, activeUser.PathJoin(driveId, oldName)) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("原文件不存在: %s, %s\n", oldName, err) return } fileId = r.FileId b, e := activeUser.PanClient().FileRename(driveId, fileId, path.Base(newName)) if e != nil { fmt.Println(e.Err) return } if !b { fmt.Println("重命名文件失败") return } fmt.Printf("重命名文件成功:%s -> %s\n", path.Base(oldName), path.Base(newName)) activeUser.DeleteOneCache(path.Dir(newName)) } // RunRenameBatch 批量重命名文件 func RunRenameBatch(skipConfirm bool, driveId string, expression, replacement, filePattern string) { if len(expression) == 0 { fmt.Println("旧文件名不能为空") return } if !apiutil.CheckFileNameValid(replacement) { fmt.Println("新文件名不能包含特殊字符:" + apiutil.FileNameSpecialChars) return } if len(filePattern) == 0 { fmt.Println("文件匹配模式不能为空") return } if strings.ContainsAny(filePattern, "/") { fmt.Println("文件匹配模式不能包含路径分隔符") return } if strings.ContainsAny(filePattern, "\\") { fmt.Println("文件匹配模式不能包含路径分隔符") return } activeUser := GetActiveUser() absolutePath := path.Clean(activeUser.PathJoin(driveId, filePattern)) fileList, err1 := matchPathByShellPattern(driveId, absolutePath) if err1 != nil { fmt.Println("查询文件出错:" + err1.Error()) return } if fileList == nil || len(fileList) == 0 { fmt.Println("没有找到符合的文件") return } // 文件列表按照名字排序 files := fileArray{} for _, f := range fileList { files = append(files, newFileItem(f)) } if len(files) > 1 { sort.Sort(files) } // 依次处理 var index = 1 for _, file := range files { replacementStr := replaceNumStr(replacement, index) index += 1 if expression == "*" { // 旧的名称全部替换 file.newFileName = replacementStr } else { // 替换指定的名称片段 file.newFileName = strings.ReplaceAll(file.file.FileName, expression, replacementStr) } } // 确认 if !skipConfirm { fmt.Printf("以下文件将进行对应的重命名\n\n") idx := 1 for _, file := range files { fmt.Printf("%d) %s -> %s\n", idx, file.file.FileName, file.newFileName) idx += 1 } fmt.Printf("\n是否进行批量重命名,该操作不可逆(y/n): ") confirm := "" _, err := fmt.Scanln(&confirm) if err != nil || (confirm != "y" && confirm != "Y") { fmt.Println("用户取消了操作") return } } // 重命名 for _, file := range files { b, e := activeUser.PanClient().FileRename(driveId, file.file.FileId, file.newFileName) if e != nil { fmt.Println(e.Err) return } if !b { fmt.Println("重命名文件失败") return } fmt.Printf("重命名文件成功:%s -> %s\n", file.file.FileName, file.newFileName) activeUser.DeleteOneCache(path.Dir(file.file.Path)) } } // replaceNumStr 将#替换成数字编号 func replaceNumStr(name string, num int) string { pattern, _ := regexp.Compile("[#]+") r := pattern.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(name, -1) if len(r) == 0 { return name } newName := name c := r[0] return replaceNumStr(newName[:c[0]]+generateNumStr(num, c[1]-c[0])+newName[c[1]:], num) } func generateNumStr(num, count int) string { s := strconv.Itoa(num) return generateZeroStr(count-len(s)) + s } func generateZeroStr(count int) string { if count <= 0 { return "" } s := "" for i := 0; i < count; i++ { s += "0" } return s }