// Copyright (c) 2020 tickstep. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package config import ( "os" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdtable" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/converter" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/requester" ) // SetProxy 设置代理 func (c *PanConfig) SetProxy(proxy string) { c.Proxy = proxy requester.SetGlobalProxy(proxy) } // SetLocalAddrs 设置localAddrs func (c *PanConfig) SetLocalAddrs(localAddrs string) { c.LocalAddrs = localAddrs requester.SetLocalTCPAddrList(strings.Split(localAddrs, ",")...) } // SetCacheSizeByStr 设置cache_size func (c *PanConfig) SetCacheSizeByStr(sizeStr string) error { size, err := converter.ParseFileSizeStr(sizeStr) if err != nil { return err } c.CacheSize = int(size) return nil } // SetMaxDownloadRateByStr 设置 max_download_rate func (c *PanConfig) SetMaxDownloadRateByStr(sizeStr string) error { size, err := converter.ParseFileSizeStr(stripPerSecond(sizeStr)) if err != nil { return err } c.MaxDownloadRate = size return nil } // SetMaxUploadRateByStr 设置 max_upload_rate func (c *PanConfig) SetMaxUploadRateByStr(sizeStr string) error { size, err := converter.ParseFileSizeStr(stripPerSecond(sizeStr)) if err != nil { return err } c.MaxUploadRate = size return nil } // SetFileRecorderConfig 设置文件记录器 func (c *PanConfig) SetFileRecorderConfig(config string) error { if config == "1" || config == "2" { c.FileRecordConfig = config } return nil } // SetDeviceId 设置客户端ID func (c *PanConfig) SetDeviceId(deviceId string) error { if deviceId == "" { return nil } c.DeviceId = deviceId return nil } // PrintTable 输出表格 func (c *PanConfig) PrintTable() { fileRecorderLabel := "禁用" if c.FileRecordConfig == "1" { fileRecorderLabel = "开启" } tb := cmdtable.NewTable(os.Stdout) tb.SetHeader([]string{"名称", "值", "建议值", "描述"}) tb.SetHeaderAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) tb.SetColumnAlignment([]int{tablewriter.ALIGN_DEFAULT, tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT, tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT, tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT}) tb.AppendBulk([][]string{ []string{"cache_size", converter.ConvertFileSize(int64(c.CacheSize), 2), "1KB ~ 256KB", "下载缓存, 如果硬盘占用高或下载速度慢, 请尝试调大此值"}, []string{"max_download_parallel", strconv.Itoa(c.MaxDownloadParallel), "1 ~ 20", "最大下载并发量,即同时下载文件最大数量"}, []string{"max_upload_parallel", strconv.Itoa(c.MaxUploadParallel), "1 ~ 20", "最大上传并发量,即同时上传文件最大数量"}, []string{"max_download_rate", showMaxRate(c.MaxDownloadRate), "", "限制单个文件最大下载速度, 0代表不限制"}, []string{"max_upload_rate", showMaxRate(c.MaxUploadRate), "", "限制单个文件最大上传速度, 0代表不限制"}, []string{"transfer_url_type", strconv.Itoa(c.TransferUrlType), "1-默认,2-阿里云ECS", "上传下载URL类别。除非在阿里云ECS(暂只支持经典网络)服务器中使用,不然请设置1"}, []string{"savedir", c.SaveDir, "", "下载文件的储存目录"}, []string{"proxy", c.Proxy, "", "设置代理, 支持 http/socks5 代理,例如: 或者 socks5://"}, []string{"local_addrs", c.LocalAddrs, "", "设置本地网卡地址, 多个地址用逗号隔开,例如:,"}, []string{"file_record_config", fileRecorderLabel, "1-开启,2-禁用", "设置是否开启上传、下载、同步文件的结果记录,开启后会把结果记录到CSV文件方便后期查看"}, []string{"device_id", c.DeviceId, "", "客户端ID,用于标识登录客户端,阿里单个账号最多允许10个客户端同时在线。修改后需要重启应用生效"}, }) tb.Render() }