// Copyright (c) 2020 tickstep. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package command import ( "fmt" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/cmder/cmdtable" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/config" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/file/downloader" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/functions/pandownload" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/log" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/taskframework" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/internal/utils" "github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan/library/requester/transfer" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/converter" "github.com/tickstep/library-go/requester/rio/speeds" "github.com/urfave/cli" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime" ) type ( //DownloadOptions 下载可选参数 DownloadOptions struct { IsPrintStatus bool IsExecutedPermission bool IsOverwrite bool SaveTo string Parallel int Load int MaxRetry int NoCheck bool ShowProgress bool DriveId string ExcludeNames []string // 排除的文件名,包括文件夹和文件。即这些文件/文件夹不进行下载,支持正则表达式 } // LocateDownloadOption 获取下载链接可选参数 LocateDownloadOption struct { FromPan bool } ) var ( // MaxDownloadRangeSize 文件片段最大值 MaxDownloadRangeSize = 55 * converter.MB // DownloadCacheSize 默认每个线程下载缓存大小 DownloadCacheSize = 64 * converter.KB ) func CmdDownload() cli.Command { return cli.Command{ Name: "download", Aliases: []string{"d"}, Usage: "下载文件/目录", UsageText: cmder.App().Name + " download <文件/目录路径1> <文件/目录2> <文件/目录3> ...", Description: ` 下载的文件默认保存到, 程序所在目录的 download/ 目录。支持软链接文件,包括Linux/macOS(ln命令)和Windows(mklink命令)创建的符号链接文件。 通过 aliyunpan config set -savedir , 自定义保存的目录。支持多个文件或目录下载,支持自动跳过下载重名的文件! 示例: 设置保存目录, 保存到 D:\Downloads 注意区别反斜杠 "\" 和 斜杠 "/" !!! aliyunpan config set -savedir D:\\Downloads 或者 aliyunpan config set -savedir D:/Downloads 下载 /我的资源/1.mp4 aliyunpan download /我的资源/1.mp4 下载 /我的资源 目录下面所有的mp4文件,使用通配符 aliyunpan download /我的资源/*.mp4 下载 /我的资源 整个目录!! aliyunpan download /我的资源 下载 /我的资源 整个目录,但是排除所有的jpg文件 aliyunpan download -exn "\.jpg$" /我的资源 下载 /我的资源/1.mp4 并保存下载的文件到本地的 d:/panfile aliyunpan download --saveto d:/panfile /我的资源/1.mp4 参考: 以下是典型的排除特定文件或者文件夹的例子,注意:参数值必须是正则表达式。在正则表达式中,^表示匹配开头,$表示匹配结尾。 1)排除@eadir文件或者文件夹:-exn "^@eadir$" 2)排除.jpg文件:-exn "\.jpg$" 3)排除.号开头的文件:-exn "^\." 4)排除~号开头的文件:-exn "^~" 5)排除 myfile.txt 文件:-exn "^myfile.txt$" `, Category: "阿里云盘", Before: ReloadConfigFunc, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() == 0 { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, c.Command.Name) return nil } // 处理saveTo var ( saveTo string ) if c.Bool("save") { // 使用当前工作目录 pwd, _ := os.Getwd() saveTo = path.Clean(pwd) } else if c.String("saveto") != "" { saveTo = filepath.Clean(c.String("saveto")) } do := &DownloadOptions{ IsPrintStatus: c.Bool("status"), IsExecutedPermission: c.Bool("x"), IsOverwrite: c.Bool("ow"), SaveTo: saveTo, Parallel: c.Int("p"), Load: 0, MaxRetry: c.Int("retry"), NoCheck: c.Bool("nocheck"), ShowProgress: !c.Bool("np"), DriveId: parseDriveId(c), ExcludeNames: c.StringSlice("exn"), } // 获取下载文件锁,保证下载操作单实例 //locker := filelocker.NewFileLocker(config.GetLockerDir() + "/aliyunpan-download") //if e := filelocker.LockFile(locker, 0755, true, 5*time.Second); e != nil { // logger.Verboseln(e) // fmt.Println("本应用其他实例正在执行下载,请先停止或者等待其完成") // return nil //} RunDownload(c.Args(), do) // 释放文件锁 //if locker != nil { // filelocker.UnlockFile(locker) //} return nil }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "ow", Usage: "overwrite, 覆盖已存在的文件", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "status", Usage: "输出所有线程的工作状态", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "save", Usage: "将下载的文件直接保存到当前工作目录", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "saveto", Usage: "将下载的文件直接保存到指定的目录", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "x", Usage: "为文件加上执行权限, (windows系统无效)", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "p", Usage: "指定同时进行下载文件的数量(取值范围:1 ~ 20)", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "retry", Usage: "下载失败最大重试次数", Value: pandownload.DefaultDownloadMaxRetry, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "nocheck", Usage: "下载文件完成后不校验文件", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "np", Usage: "no progress 不展示下载进度条", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "driveId", Usage: "网盘ID", Value: "", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "exn", Usage: "exclude name,指定排除的文件夹或者文件的名称,被排除的文件不会进行下载,只支持正则表达式。支持同时排除多个名称,每一个名称就是一个exn参数", Value: nil, }, }, } } func downloadPrintFormat(load int) string { if load <= 1 { return pandownload.DefaultPrintFormat } return "\r[%s] ↓ %s/%s %s/s in %s, left %s ..." } // RunDownload 执行下载网盘内文件 func RunDownload(paths []string, options *DownloadOptions) { activeUser := GetActiveUser() activeUser.PanClient().OpenapiPanClient().EnableCache() activeUser.PanClient().OpenapiPanClient().ClearCache() defer activeUser.PanClient().OpenapiPanClient().DisableCache() //// pan token expired checker //continueFlag := int32(0) //atomic.StoreInt32(&continueFlag, 0) //defer func() { // atomic.StoreInt32(&continueFlag, 1) //}() //go func(flag *int32) { // for atomic.LoadInt32(flag) == 0 { // time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Minute) // if RefreshWebTokenInNeed(activeUser, config.Config.DeviceName) { // logger.Verboseln("update access token for download task") // } // } //}(&continueFlag) if options == nil { options = &DownloadOptions{} } if options.MaxRetry < 0 { options.MaxRetry = pandownload.DefaultDownloadMaxRetry } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // windows下不加执行权限 options.IsExecutedPermission = false } // 设置下载配置 cfg := &downloader.Config{ Mode: transfer.RangeGenMode_BlockSize, CacheSize: config.Config.CacheSize, BlockSize: MaxDownloadRangeSize, MaxRate: config.Config.MaxDownloadRate, InstanceStateStorageFormat: downloader.InstanceStateStorageFormatJSON, ShowProgress: options.ShowProgress, ExcludeNames: options.ExcludeNames, } if cfg.CacheSize == 0 { cfg.CacheSize = int(DownloadCacheSize) } // 设置下载最大并发量 if options.Parallel < 1 { options.Parallel = config.Config.MaxDownloadParallel if options.Parallel == 0 { options.Parallel = config.DefaultFileDownloadParallelNum } } if options.Parallel > config.MaxFileDownloadParallelNum { options.Parallel = config.MaxFileDownloadParallelNum } // 保存文件的本地根文件夹 originSaveRootPath := "" if options.SaveTo != "" { originSaveRootPath = options.SaveTo } else { // 使用默认的保存路径 originSaveRootPath = GetActiveUser().GetSavePath("") } fi, err1 := os.Stat(originSaveRootPath) if err1 != nil && !os.IsExist(err1) { os.MkdirAll(originSaveRootPath, 0777) // 首先在本地创建目录 } else { if !fi.IsDir() { fmt.Println("本地保存路径不是文件夹,请删除或者创建对应的文件夹:", originSaveRootPath) return } } paths, err := makePathAbsolute(options.DriveId, paths...) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Printf("\n[0] 当前文件下载最大并发量为: %d, 下载缓存为: %s\n\n", options.Parallel, converter.ConvertFileSize(int64(cfg.CacheSize), 2)) var ( panClient = activeUser.PanClient() ) cfg.MaxParallel = options.Parallel var ( executor = taskframework.TaskExecutor{ IsFailedDeque: true, // 统计失败的列表 } statistic = &pandownload.DownloadStatistic{} ) // 配置执行器任务并发数,即同时下载文件并发数 executor.SetParallel(cfg.MaxParallel) // 全局速度统计 globalSpeedsStat := &speeds.Speeds{} // 下载记录器 fileRecorder := log.NewFileRecorder(config.GetLogDir() + "/download_file_records.csv") // 处理队列 for k := range paths { // 使用通配符匹配 fileList, err2 := matchPathByShellPattern(options.DriveId, paths[k]) if err2 != nil { fmt.Printf("获取文件出错,请稍后重试: %s\n", paths[k]) continue } if fileList == nil || len(fileList) == 0 { // 文件不存在 fmt.Printf("文件不存在: %s\n", paths[k]) continue } for _, f := range fileList { newCfg := *cfg // 是否排除下载 if utils.IsExcludeFile(f.Path, &newCfg.ExcludeNames) { fmt.Printf("排除文件: %s\n", f.Path) continue } // 匹配的文件 unit := pandownload.DownloadTaskUnit{ Cfg: &newCfg, // 复制一份新的cfg PanClient: panClient, VerbosePrinter: panCommandVerbose, PrintFormat: downloadPrintFormat(options.Load), ParentTaskExecutor: &executor, DownloadStatistic: statistic, IsPrintStatus: options.IsPrintStatus, IsExecutedPermission: options.IsExecutedPermission, IsOverwrite: options.IsOverwrite, NoCheck: options.NoCheck, FilePanPath: f.Path, DriveId: options.DriveId, GlobalSpeedsStat: globalSpeedsStat, FileRecorder: fileRecorder, } // 设置储存的路径 if options.SaveTo != "" { unit.OriginSaveRootPath = options.SaveTo unit.SavePath = filepath.Join(options.SaveTo, f.Path) } else { // 使用默认的保存路径 unit.OriginSaveRootPath = GetActiveUser().GetSavePath("") unit.SavePath = GetActiveUser().GetSavePath(f.Path) } info := executor.Append(&unit, options.MaxRetry) fmt.Printf("[%s] 加入下载队列: %s\n", info.Id(), f.Path) } } // 开始计时 statistic.StartTimer() // 开始执行 executor.Execute() fmt.Printf("\n下载结束, 时间: %s, 数据总量: %s\n", utils.ConvertTime(statistic.Elapsed()), converter.ConvertFileSize(statistic.TotalSize(), 2)) // 输出失败的文件列表 failedList := executor.FailedDeque() if failedList.Size() != 0 { fmt.Printf("以下文件下载失败: \n") tb := cmdtable.NewTable(os.Stdout) for e := failedList.Shift(); e != nil; e = failedList.Shift() { item := e.(*taskframework.TaskInfoItem) tb.Append([]string{item.Info.Id(), item.Unit.(*pandownload.DownloadTaskUnit).FilePanPath}) } tb.Render() } }