2024-03-02 17:38:21 +08:00

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// Copyright (c) 2020 tickstep.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package command
import (
const (
// DefaultUploadMaxAllParallel 默认所有文件并发上传数量,即可以同时并发上传多少个文件
DefaultUploadMaxAllParallel = 1
// DefaultUploadMaxRetry 默认上传失败最大重试次数
DefaultUploadMaxRetry = 3
type (
// UploadOptions 上传可选项
UploadOptions struct {
AllParallel int // 所有文件并发上传数量,即可以同时并发上传多少个文件
Parallel int // 单个文件并发上传数量
MaxRetry int
MaxTimeoutSec int // http请求超时时间单位秒
NoRapidUpload bool
ShowProgress bool
IsOverwrite bool // 覆盖已存在的文件,如果同名文件已存在则移到回收站里
IsSkipSameName bool // 跳过已存在的文件,即使文件内容不一致(不检查SHA1)
DriveId string
ExcludeNames []string // 排除的文件名,包括文件夹和文件。即这些文件/文件夹不进行上传,支持正则表达式
BlockSize int64 // 分片大小
UseInternalUrl bool // 是否使用内置链接
var UploadFlags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "p",
Usage: "本次操作文件上传并发数量即可以同时并发上传多少个文件。0代表跟从配置文件设置取值范围:1 ~ 20",
Value: 0,
Name: "retry",
Usage: "上传失败最大重试次数",
Value: DefaultUploadMaxRetry,
Name: "timeout",
Usage: "上传请求超时时间单位为秒。当遇到网络不好导致上传超时可以尝试调大该值建议设置30秒以上",
Name: "np",
Usage: "no progress 不展示上传进度条",
Name: "ow",
Usage: "overwrite, 覆盖已存在的同名文件,注意已存在的文件会被移到回收站",
Name: "skip",
Usage: "skip same name, 跳过已存在的同名文件,即使文件内容不一致(不检查SHA1)",
Name: "norapid",
Usage: "不检测秒传。跳过费时的SHA1计算直接上传",
Name: "driveId",
Usage: "网盘ID",
Value: "",
Name: "exn",
Usage: "exclude name指定排除的文件夹或者文件的名称只支持正则表达式。支持同时排除多个名称每一个名称就是一个exn参数",
Value: nil,
Name: "bs",
Usage: "block size上传分片大小单位KB。推荐值1024 ~ 10240。当上传极大单文件时候请适当调高该值",
Value: 10240,
func CmdUpload() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
Name: "upload",
Aliases: []string{"u"},
Usage: "上传文件/目录",
UsageText: cmder.App().Name + " upload <本地文件/目录的路径1> <文件/目录2> <文件/目录3> ... <目标目录>",
Description: `
上传指定的文件夹或者文件,上传的文件将会保存到 <目标目录>。支持软链接文件包括Linux/macOS(ln命令)和Windows(mklink命令)创建的符号链接文件。
1. 将本地的 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1.mp4 上传到网盘 /视频 目录
注意区别反斜杠 "\" 和 斜杠 "/" !!!
aliyunpan upload C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1.mp4 /视频
2. 将本地的 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1.mp4 和 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\2.mp4 上传到网盘 /视频 目录
aliyunpan upload C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1.mp4 C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/2.mp4 /视频
3. 将本地的 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop 整个目录上传到网盘 /视频 目录
aliyunpan upload C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop /视频
4. 将本地 200GB 极大文件 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1.mp4 上传到网盘 /视频 目录,需要调高上传分片大小
aliyunpan upload -bs 30720 C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1.mp4 /视频
5. 使用相对路径
aliyunpan upload 1.mp4 /视频
6. 覆盖上传,已存在的同名文件会被移到回收站
aliyunpan upload -ow 1.mp4 /视频
7. 将本地的 C:\Users\Administrator\Video 整个目录上传到网盘 /视频 目录,但是排除所有的.jpg文件
aliyunpan upload -exn "\.jpg$" C:/Users/Administrator/Video /视频
8. 将本地的 C:\Users\Administrator\Video 整个目录上传到网盘 /视频 目录,但是排除所有的.jpg文件和.mp3文件每一个排除项就是一个exn参数
aliyunpan upload -exn "\.jpg$" -exn "\.mp3$" C:/Users/Administrator/Video /视频
9. 将本地的 C:\Users\Administrator\Video 整个目录上传到网盘 /视频 目录,但是排除所有的 @eadir 文件夹
aliyunpan upload -exn "^@eadir$" C:/Users/Administrator/Video /视频
10. 跳过已存在的同名文件,即使文件内容不一致(不检查SHA1)
aliyunpan upload -skip 1.mp4 /视频
1)排除@eadir文件或者文件夹-exn "^@eadir$"
2)排除.jpg文件-exn "\.jpg$"
3)排除.号开头的文件:-exn "^\."
4)排除~号开头的文件:-exn "^~"
5)排除 myfile.txt 文件:-exn "^myfile.txt$"
Category: "阿里云盘",
Before: ReloadConfigFunc,
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.NArg() < 2 {
cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, c.Command.Name)
return nil
subArgs := c.Args()
timeout := 0
if c.IsSet("timeout") {
timeout = c.Int("timeout")
if timeout < 0 {
timeout = 0
// 获取上传文件锁,保证上传操作单实例
//locker := filelocker.NewFileLocker(config.GetLockerDir() + "/aliyunpan-upload")
//if e := filelocker.LockFile(locker, 0755, true, 5*time.Second); e != nil {
// logger.Verboseln(e)
// fmt.Println("本应用其他实例正在执行上传,请先停止或者等待其完成")
// return nil
RunUpload(subArgs[:c.NArg()-1], subArgs[c.NArg()-1], &UploadOptions{
AllParallel: c.Int("p"), // 多文件上传的时候,允许同时并行上传的文件数量
Parallel: 1, // 一个文件同时多少个线程并发上传的数量。阿里云盘只支持单线程按顺序进行文件part数据上传所以只能是1
MaxRetry: c.Int("retry"),
MaxTimeoutSec: timeout,
NoRapidUpload: c.Bool("norapid"),
ShowProgress: !c.Bool("np"),
IsOverwrite: c.Bool("ow"),
IsSkipSameName: c.Bool("skip"),
DriveId: parseDriveId(c),
ExcludeNames: c.StringSlice("exn"),
BlockSize: int64(c.Int("bs") * 1024),
// 释放文件锁
//if locker != nil {
// filelocker.UnlockFile(locker)
return nil
Flags: UploadFlags,
// RunUpload 执行文件上传
func RunUpload(localPaths []string, savePath string, opt *UploadOptions) {
activeUser := GetActiveUser()
defer activeUser.PanClient().WebapiPanClient().DisableCache()
// pan token expired checker
continueFlag := int32(0)
atomic.StoreInt32(&continueFlag, 0)
defer func() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&continueFlag, 1)
go func(flag *int32) {
for atomic.LoadInt32(flag) == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Minute)
if RefreshTokenInNeed(activeUser, config.Config.DeviceName) {
logger.Verboseln("update access token for upload task")
if opt == nil {
opt = &UploadOptions{}
// 检测opt
if opt.AllParallel <= 0 {
opt.AllParallel = config.Config.MaxUploadParallel
if opt.AllParallel == 0 {
opt.AllParallel = config.DefaultFileUploadParallelNum
if opt.AllParallel > config.MaxFileUploadParallelNum {
fmt.Printf("警告: 当前上传文件并发数过大,可能会被阿里风控导致上传失败,建议调小。\n")
if opt.Parallel <= 0 {
opt.Parallel = 1
if opt.MaxRetry < 0 {
opt.MaxRetry = DefaultUploadMaxRetry
opt.UseInternalUrl = config.Config.TransferUrlType == 2
// 超时时间
if opt.MaxTimeoutSec > 0 {
activeUser.PanClient().WebapiPanClient().SetTimeout(time.Duration(opt.MaxTimeoutSec) * time.Second)
fmt.Printf("\n[0] 当前文件上传最大并发量为: %d, 上传分片大小为: %s\n", opt.AllParallel, converter.ConvertFileSize(opt.BlockSize, 2))
savePath = activeUser.PathJoin(opt.DriveId, savePath)
_, err1 := activeUser.PanClient().WebapiPanClient().FileInfoByPath(opt.DriveId, savePath)
if err1 != nil {
fmt.Printf("警告: 上传文件, 获取云盘路径 %s 错误, %s\n", savePath, err1)
switch len(localPaths) {
case 0:
// 打开上传状态
uploadDatabase, err := panupload.NewUploadingDatabase()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("打开上传未完成数据库错误: %s\n", err)
defer uploadDatabase.Close()
var (
// 使用 task framework
executor = &taskframework.TaskExecutor{
IsFailedDeque: true, // 失败统计
// 统计
statistic = &panupload.UploadStatistic{}
folderCreateMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
pluginManger = plugins.NewPluginManager(config.GetPluginDir())
statistic.StartTimer() // 开始计时
// 全局速度统计
globalSpeedsStat := &speeds.Speeds{}
// 获取当前插件
plugin, _ := pluginManger.GetPlugin()
// 上传记录器
fileRecorder := log.NewFileRecorder(config.GetLogDir() + "/upload_file_records.csv")
// 遍历指定的文件并创建上传任务
for _, curPath := range localPaths {
var walkFunc localfile.MyWalkFunc
curPath = filepath.Clean(curPath)
localPathDir := filepath.Dir(curPath)
// 是否排除上传
if utils.IsExcludeFile(curPath, &opt.ExcludeNames) {
fmt.Printf("排除文件: %s\n", curPath)
// 避免去除文件名开头的"."
if localPathDir == "." {
localPathDir = ""
walkFunc = func(file localfile.SymlinkFile, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
// skip this error file and continue recurse
logger.Verboseln("upload process file: ", file, " error: ", err)
return nil
if os.PathSeparator == '\\' {
file.LogicPath = cmdutil.ConvertToWindowsPathSeparator(file.LogicPath)
file.RealPath = cmdutil.ConvertToWindowsPathSeparator(file.RealPath)
// 是否排除上传
if utils.IsExcludeFile(file.LogicPath, &opt.ExcludeNames) {
fmt.Printf("排除文件: %s\n", file.LogicPath)
return filepath.SkipDir
subSavePath := strings.TrimPrefix(file.LogicPath, localPathDir)
// 针对 windows 的目录处理
if os.PathSeparator == '\\' {
subSavePath = cmdutil.ConvertToUnixPathSeparator(subSavePath)
subSavePath = path.Clean(savePath + aliyunpan.PathSeparator + subSavePath)
// 插件回调
ft := "file"
if fi.IsDir() {
ft = "folder"
pluginParam := &plugins.UploadFilePrepareParams{
LocalFilePath: file.LogicPath,
LocalFileName: fi.Name(),
LocalFileSize: fi.Size(),
LocalFileType: ft,
LocalFileUpdatedAt: fi.ModTime().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
DriveId: activeUser.ActiveDriveId,
DriveFilePath: strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(subSavePath, savePath), "/"),
if uploadFilePrepareResult, er := plugin.UploadFilePrepareCallback(plugins.GetContext(activeUser), pluginParam); er == nil && uploadFilePrepareResult != nil {
if strings.Compare("yes", uploadFilePrepareResult.UploadApproved) != 0 {
// skip upload this file
fmt.Printf("插件禁止该文件上传: %s\n", file.LogicPath)
return filepath.SkipDir
if uploadFilePrepareResult.DriveFilePath != "" {
targetSavePanRelativePath := strings.TrimPrefix(uploadFilePrepareResult.DriveFilePath, "/")
subSavePath = path.Clean(savePath + aliyunpan.PathSeparator + targetSavePanRelativePath)
fmt.Printf("插件修改文件网盘保存路径为: %s\n", subSavePath)
// 创建对应的文件上传任务
// 上传里面的文件会创建对应的缺失文件夹
if !fi.IsDir() {
taskinfo := executor.Append(&panupload.UploadTaskUnit{
LocalFileChecksum: localfile.NewLocalSymlinkFileEntity(file),
SavePath: subSavePath,
DriveId: opt.DriveId,
PanClient: activeUser.PanClient().WebapiPanClient(),
UploadingDatabase: uploadDatabase,
FolderCreateMutex: folderCreateMutex,
Parallel: opt.Parallel,
NoRapidUpload: opt.NoRapidUpload,
BlockSize: opt.BlockSize,
UploadStatistic: statistic,
ShowProgress: opt.ShowProgress,
IsOverwrite: opt.IsOverwrite,
IsSkipSameName: opt.IsSkipSameName,
UseInternalUrl: opt.UseInternalUrl,
GlobalSpeedsStat: globalSpeedsStat,
FileRecorder: fileRecorder,
}, opt.MaxRetry)
fmt.Printf("[%s] 加入上传队列: %s\n", taskinfo.Id(), file.LogicPath)
} else {
// 创建文件夹
// 这样空文件夹也可以正确上传
saveFilePath := subSavePath
if saveFilePath != "/" {
fmt.Printf("正在检测和创建云盘文件夹: %s\n", saveFilePath)
_, apierr1 := activeUser.PanClient().WebapiPanClient().FileInfoByPath(opt.DriveId, saveFilePath)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if apierr1 != nil && apierr1.Code == apierror.ApiCodeFileNotFoundCode {
logger.Verbosef("%s 创建云盘文件夹: %s\n", utils.NowTimeStr(), saveFilePath)
rs, apierr := activeUser.PanClient().WebapiPanClient().Mkdir(opt.DriveId, "root", saveFilePath)
if apierr != nil || rs.FileId == "" {
fmt.Printf("创建云盘文件夹失败: %s\n", saveFilePath)
return nil
file := localfile.NewSymlinkFile(curPath)
if err = localfile.WalkAllFile(file, walkFunc); err != nil {
if err != filepath.SkipDir {
fmt.Printf("警告: 遍历错误: %s\n", err)
// 执行上传任务
var failedList []*lane.Deque
failed := executor.FailedDeque()
if failed.Size() > 0 {
failedList = append(failedList, failed)
fmt.Printf("上传结束, 时间: %s, 数据总量: %s\n", utils.ConvertTime(statistic.Elapsed()), converter.ConvertFileSize(statistic.TotalSize(), 2))
// 输出上传失败的文件列表
for _, failed := range failedList {
if failed.Size() != 0 {
fmt.Printf("以下文件上传失败: \n")
tb := cmdtable.NewTable(os.Stdout)
for e := failed.Shift(); e != nil; e = failed.Shift() {
item := e.(*taskframework.TaskInfoItem)
tb.Append([]string{item.Info.Id(), item.Unit.(*panupload.UploadTaskUnit).LocalFileChecksum.Path.LogicPath})