diff --git a/configuration b/configuration
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f52aff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Generated by Kconfiglib (https://github.com/ulfalizer/Kconfiglib)
+# BOOK Settings
+# BOOK_LFS is not set
+# BOOK_BLFS is not set
+RUN_ME="./jhalfs run"
+# WORKING_COPY is not set
+# LFS_MULTILIB_I686 is not set
+# LFS_MULTILIB_X32 is not set
+# LFS_MULTILIB_ALL is not set
+# BUILD_BOOT is not set
+# blfs-tool dependencies
+# end of blfs-tool dependencies
+# BLFS_WORKING_COPY is not set
+# CUSTOM_TOOLS is not set
+# end of BOOK Settings
+# General Settings
+# RUNMAKE is not set
+# CLEAN is not set
+# end of General Settings
+# Build Settings
+# Parallelism settings
+# REALSBU is not set
+# end of Parallelism settings
+# CONFIG_TESTS is not set
+# PKGMNGT is not set
+# INSTALL_LOG is not set
+# end of Build Settings
+# System configuration
+# NCURSES5 is not set
+# PAGE_LETTER is not set
+# Network configuration
+# end of Network configuration
+# Console configuration
+# LOCAL is not set
+# end of Console configuration
+# end of System configuration
+# Advanced Features
+# Optimization settings
+# OPT_2 is not set
+# end of Optimization settings
+# REPORT is not set
+# SAVE_CH5 is not set
+# COMPARE is not set
+# Internal Settings (WARNING: for jhalfs developers only)
+# end of Internal Settings (WARNING: for jhalfs developers only)
+# end of Advanced Features
+# REBUILD_MAKEFILE is not set
diff --git a/lfsSetup.sh b/lfsSetup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f9edd26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lfsSetup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Script that setups LFS installer
+set -e
+# Helper function to pach the packages.ent
+# Parameters are in this order: major, minor, patch, md5 and full path to packages.ent
+ if [ ! -f "$5" ] ; then
+ echo "The packages.ent file is not exist or not defined." >&2
+ echo "File: $5"
+ return 4
+ fi
+ sed -i -E "s@(<\!ENTITY linux-major-version \"+)(.+\">)@\1$1\">@" "$5"
+ sed -i -E "s@(<\!ENTITY linux-minor-version \"+)(.+\">)@\1$2\">@" "$5"
+ sed -i -E "s@(<\!ENTITY linux-md5 \"+)(.+\">)@\1$4\">@" "$5"
+ if [ "-" == "$3" ] ; then
+ sed -i -E '//g;}' "$5"
+ sed -i -E '/linux-minor-version;">-->/{s///g;}' "$5"
+ sed -i -E '//g;}' "$5"
+ else
+ sed -i -E '///g;}' "$5"
+ sed -i -E "s@(<\!ENTITY linux-patch-version \"+)(.+\">)@\1$3\">@" "$5"
+ sed -i -E '/linux-patch-version;">-->/{s///g;}' "$5"
+ sed -i -E '//g;}' "$5"
+ fi
+# Check if the lfs mount point folder is specified as the first argument
+if [ -z "$1" ]
+ echo "Please specify the lfs mount point folder as the first argument!" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Check if the lfs folder is exists
+if [ ! -d "$1" ]
+ echo "LFS mount point folder does not exist!" >&2
+ exit 2
+# Check if jhalfs folder is already exist and delete it if yes
+if [ -d "$DIR_JHALFS" ]
+ echo Deleting old jhalfs folder: "$DIR_JHALFS"
+ sudo rm -rf "$DIR_JHALFS"
+ echo Done!
+# Now create the jhalfs folder and book-source sub-folder owned by the current user
+U="$(id -un)" # current user
+G="$(id -gn)" # current group
+echo Creating jhalfs folder...
+sudo install -v -o "$U" -g root -m 1777 -d "$DIR_JHALFS"
+sudo install -v -o "$U" -g "$G" -m 1777 -d "$DIR_BOOK"
+# Clone the LFS book repository to book-source folder
+echo Cloning lfs book sources...
+git clone https://git.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs.git "$DIR_BOOK"
+# Get the latest kernel version and download link from kernel.org
+echo Getting latest kernel from kernel.org...
+LATEST_KERNEL_URL="$(curl -v --silent https://www.kernel.org/ 2>&1 | sed -n '/
/{n; p}' | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+LATEST_KERNEL_VER="$(cut -d '-' -f 2 <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_URL" | rev | cut -c8- | rev)"
+echo Latest kernel version: "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER"
+echo Download URL: "$LATEST_KERNEL_URL"
+# Check sources folder existence and create if needed
+if [ ! -d "$DIR_SOURCES" ] ; then
+ sudo install -v -o "$U" -g "$G" -m 1777 -d "$DIR_SOURCES"
+ sudo chmod -v 1777 "$DIR_SOURCES"
+# Download latest kernel if not done yet
+KERNEL_FILE_NAME="$(rev <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_URL" | cut -d '/' -f1 | rev)"
+if [ ! -f "$DIR_SOURCES/$KERNEL_FILE_NAME" ] ; then
+ echo Downloading kernel tar ball...
+ wget -T 30 -t 5 --directory-prefix="$DIR_SOURCES" "$LATEST_KERNEL_URL"
+ echo Done!
+# Patch packages.ent with latest kernel
+MD5_SUM="$(md5sum "$DIR_SOURCES/$KERNEL_FILE_NAME" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
+NUM_VER_DOTS="$(awk -F. '{print NF-1}' <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER")"
+if [ "2" == "$NUM_VER_DOTS" ] ; then
+ MAIN_VER="$(awk -F. '{print $(NF-2)}' <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER")"
+ MINOR_VER="$(awk -F. '{print $(NF-1)}' <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER")"
+ PATCH_VER="$(awk -F. '{print $(NF)}' <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER")"
+elif [ "1" == "$NUM_VER_DOTS" ] ; then
+ MAIN_VER="$(awk -F. '{print $(NF-1)}' <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER")"
+ MINOR_VER="$(awk -F. '{print $(NF)}' <<< "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER")"
+ echo Invalid count of version dots: "$NUM_VER_DOTS" >&2
+ echo Where version number is: "$LATEST_KERNEL_VER" >&2
+ exit 3
+patchKernelVersion "$MAIN_VER" "$MINOR_VER" "$PATCH_VER" "$MD5_SUM" "$DIR_BOOK/packages.ent"
+# Check if setup folder is already exist and delete it if yes
+if [ -d "$DIR_SETUP" ]
+ echo Deleting old setup folder: "$DIR_SETUP"
+ sudo rm -rf "$DIR_SETUP"
+ echo Done!
+# Now create the setup folder owned by the current user
+echo Creating setup folder...
+sudo install -v -o "$U" -g "$G" -m 755 -d "$DIR_SETUP"
+# Clone the jhalfs repository to setup folder
+echo Cloning jhalfs sources...
+git clone https://git.linuxfromscratch.org/jhalfs.git "$DIR_SETUP"
+# Patch opt_config to use -O3 -pipe -march=native
+echo Patching optimization config file...
+sed -i -E '/DEF_OPT_MODE=/s/noOpt/O3pipe_march/g' "$DIR_SETUP/optimize/opt_config"
+# Copy jhalfs config file and adjust some settings in it
+cp -iv configuration "$DIR_SETUP/"
+echo Patching setup configuration file...
+sed -i -E "\@BUILDDIR=\"xxx\"@s@xxx@$1@g" "$FILE_CFG"
+sed -i -E "\@FSTAB=\"xxx\"@s@xxx@/home/$U/fstab@g" "$FILE_CFG"
+sed -i -E "\@CONFIG=\"xxx\"@s@xxx@/home/$U/config-$LATEST_KERNEL_VER@g" "$FILE_CFG"
+# Enter to setup folder and start installer
+cd "$DIR_SETUP"
+yes "yes" | ./jhalfs run
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rmscripts.sh b/rmscripts.sh
index 6467195..512d15a 100755
--- a/rmscripts.sh
+++ b/rmscripts.sh
@@ -2,24 +2,42 @@
# first parameter is the blfs tool's script folder
# second parameter is the blfs tool's installed packages xml file
-if [ -z "$1" ]
- echo "Please specify the blfs tool's script folder as the first argument!"
- exit -1
+set -e
+# Check if the script folder is specified as an argument
+if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "Please specify the blfs tool's script folder as the first argument!" >&2
+ exit 1
-if [ -z "$2" ]
- echo "Please specify the blfs tool's installed packages xml file as the second argument!"
- exit -1
+# Check if the given script folder exists
+if [ ! -d "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "The given script folder is not exist!" >&2
+ exit 2
-if [[ "$1" != */ ]]
- SCRIPTPATH=$(echo "$1"/)
+# Check if the installed packages xml is specified as an argument
+if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+ echo "Please specify the blfs tool's installed packages xml file as the second argument!" >&2
+ exit 3
+# Check if installed packages xml file exists
+if [ ! -f "$2" ] ; then
+ echo "The given installed packages xml file is not exist!" >&2
+ exit 4
+# Add slash to script path if not there yet
+if [[ "$1" != */ ]] ; then
-grep "$2" -f <(ls "$SCRIPTPATH" | awk -F'-z-' '{print ""$2""}') | while read line ; do rm -v "$SCRIPTPATH"$(echo "$line" | sed 's//*-/g' | sed 's|||g') ; done
+# Find and remove all the scripts which would install a package that is already mentioned in the installed packages file
+grep "$2" -f <(find "$SCRIPTPATH" -type f -printf '%f\n' | awk -F'-z-' '{print ""$2""}') | \
+ while read -r line
+ do
+ rm -v "$(find "$SCRIPTPATH" -name "$(echo "$line" | sed 's//*-/g' | sed 's|||g')" -type f)"
+ done
diff --git a/update_package_versions.sh b/update_package_versions.sh
index e59f4b6..3d56d78 100755
--- a/update_package_versions.sh
+++ b/update_package_versions.sh
@@ -1,47 +1,49 @@
# This script checks and updates the latest versions of the packages
+set -e
# Prints which package is about to update.
- printf "\nUpdating package: $1\n"
+ printf "\nUpdating package: %s\n" "$1"
# Does the actual update of the package with the found version.
sed -i -E "s@($1-version \"+)(.+\">)@\1$2\">@" add_packages.sh
- sed -i -E "s@($1-download-http \"+)(.+\">)@\1$3\">@" ./$4/$1.xml
+ sed -i -E "s@($1-download-http \"+)(.+\">)@\1$3\">@" ./"$4"/"$1".xml
echo "Latest version: $2"
- printf "Found package: $3\n"
+ printf "Found package: %s\n" "$3"
# Function that gets the latest release of a specific package.
# This function works only with packages stored on github.
- greetMsg $2
- URL=`curl -v --silent "https://github.com/$1/releases" 2>&1 | grep 'loading="lazy" src=' | tr '"' '\n' | grep /releases/ -m1`
- URL="https://github.com`curl -v --silent $URL 2>&1 | grep '&1 | grep 'loading="lazy" src=' | tr '"' '\n' | grep /releases/ -m1)
+ URL="https://github.com$(curl -v --silent "$URL" 2>&1 | grep '&1 | grep net.sf.files | tr '"' '\n' | grep http -m1 | rev | cut -c10- | rev`
- VER=`echo $URL | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }'`
+ greetMsg "$2"
+ URL=$(curl -v --silent "https://sourceforge.net/projects/$1/files/$2/" 2>&1 | grep net.sf.files | tr '"' '\n' | grep http -m1 | rev | cut -c10- | rev)
+ VER=$(echo "$URL" | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }')
if [[ $4 ]]; then
- VER=`echo $VER | cut -c$4`
+ VER=$(echo "$VER" | cut -c"$4")
- updatePkg $2 $VER $URL $3
+ updatePkg "$2" "$VER" "$URL" "$3"