diff --git a/introduction/important/beyond.xml b/introduction/important/beyond.xml
index f4b16e5044..326ed16d87 100644
--- a/introduction/important/beyond.xml
+++ b/introduction/important/beyond.xml
@@ -164,17 +164,28 @@
- Gentoo - the mirrors for ebuilds and patches seem to be well-hidden,
- and they change frequently. Also, if you have found a mirror, you need to
- know which directory the application has been assigned to. The ebuilds
- themselves can be found at -
- use the search field. If there are any patches, a mirror will have them
- in the files/ directory. Depending
- on your browser, or the mirror, you might need to download the ebuild to
- be able to read it. Treat the ebuild as a sort of pseudo-code / shell
- combination - look in particular for sed commands and
- patches, or hazard a guess at the meanings of the functions such as
- dodoc.
+ Gentoo - First use a search engine to find an ebuild which looks as
+ if it will fix the problem, or search at - use the search field. Note where the
+ package lives in the portage hierarchy, e.g.
+ app-something/. In general you can treat the ebuild as
+ a sort of pseudo-code / shell combination with some functions you can
+ hazard a guess at, such as dodoc. If the fix is just a
+ sed, try it. However, in most cases the fix will use a
+ patch. To find the patch, use a gentoo-portage mirror: Two links to mirrors
+ in the U.S.A. which seem to usually be up to date are
+ and
+ . Navigate down
+ the tree to the package, then to the files/ directory
+ to look for the patch. Sometimes a portage mirror has not yet been updated,
+ particularly for a recent new patch. In a few cases, gentoo batch the
+ patches into a tarball and the ebuild will have a link in the form
+ https://dev.gentoo.org/~${PATCH_DEV}/distfiles/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
+ : here, look for PATCH_DEV and PATCH_VER in the build and format the full
+ URL in your browser or for wget : remember the '~' before the developer's
+ ID and note that trying to search the earlier levels of the URL in a
+ browser may drop you at www.gentoo.org or return 403 (forbidden).
openSUSE provide a rolling release, some package versions are in
diff --git a/introduction/welcome/changelog.xml b/introduction/welcome/changelog.xml
index 8ed90cbee0..490524da24 100644
--- a/introduction/welcome/changelog.xml
+++ b/introduction/welcome/changelog.xml
@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@
+ January 5th, 2023
+ [ken] - Expand the gentoo details in 'Going Beyond BLFS'. Fixes
+ #17004.
January 4th, 2023