Command explanations : This switch prevents the building of the static library. : This switch adds support for HTTP. --enable-default-catalog=/etc/sgml/catalog: This switch sets the path to the centralized catalog. : This switch sets the default value of SGML_SEARCH_PATH. : This switch adds support for XML Formatted Messages. make pkgdatadir=/usr/share/sgml/OpenSP-&opensp-version;: This sets the pkgdatadir variable in the Makefile from /usr/share/OpenSP to /usr/share/sgml/OpenSP-1.5. ln -sf onsgmls /usr/bin/nsgmls ln -sf osgmlnorm /usr/bin/sgmlnorm ln -sf ospam /usr/bin/spam ln -sf ospcat /usr/bin/spcat ln -sf ospent /usr/bin/spent ln -sf osx /usr/bin/sx ln -sf osx /usr/bin/sgml2xml ln -sf /usr/lib/ These commands create the SP equivalents of OpenSP executables and libraries.