%general-entities; ]> $Date$ libiodbc-&libiodbc-version; libiodbc Introduction to libiodbc libiodbc is an API to ODBC compatible databases. &lfs110_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &libiodbc-md5sum; Download size: &libiodbc-size; Estimated disk space required: &libiodbc-buildsize; Estimated build time: &libiodbc-time; libiodbc Dependencies Recommended (to create the GUI admin tool) User Notes: Installation of libiodbc Install libiodbc by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-iodbc-inidir=/etc/iodbc \ --includedir=/usr/include/iodbc \ --disable-libodbc \ --disable-static && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations --with-iodbc-inidir=/etc/iodbc: libiodbc will install configuration files in this directory. --includedir=/usr/include/iodbc: This installs the interface headers to a private directory to avoid a conflict with headers installed by unixODBC. --disable-libodbc: This prevents the installation of the libodbc.so symbolic link to avoid a conflict with unixODBC. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directory iodbc-config, iodbctest, iodbctestw, and iodbcadm-gtk libdrvproxy.so, libiodbc.so, libiodbcinst.so, and libiodbcadm.so /usr/include/iodbc, /usr/share/libiodbc, and /etc/iodbc Short Descriptions iodbc-config is a utility for retrieving the installation options of libiodbc iodbc-config iodbctest{,w} are interactive SQL processors iodbctest iodbcadm-gtk is a graphical administration utility iodbcadm