Configuring libfam
Config files
/etc/rpc, /etc/xinetd.d/fam
Configuration Information
Configuring the file alteration monitor.
Add this line to /etc/rpc:
sgi_fam 391002 fam # File Alteration Monitor
If you use inetd, add this line to /etc/inetd.conf:
sgi_fam/1-2 stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/bin/fam fam
If you use xinetd, create the /etc/xinetd.d/fam file as:
# default: on
# description: FAM - file alteration monitor
service sgi_fam
socket_type = stream
user = root
group = nobody
server = /usr/bin/fam
wait = yes
protocol = tcp
rpc_version = 2
rpc_number = 391002