Command explanations
no-rc5 no-idea : When added to the ./config
command, this will eliminate the building of those encryption methods.
Patent licenses may be needed for you to utilize either of those methods in
your projects.
rm doc/apps/passwd.pod : We do this because
otherwise openssl installs its passwd man page over
the existing system one which isn't what we want.
make MANDIR=/usr/share/man
make MANDIR=/usr/share/man install These
commands install openssl with the man pages
in /usr/share/man
instead of the default which is /etc/ssl/man.
rmdir /etc/ssl/lib : This is simply a tidy-up command. For some reason, the openssl install routine creates
the /etc/ssl/lib directory even though
the libraries have been installed in /usr/lib
. We remove it to keep things nice and tidy!