%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ bc-&bc-version;.tar bc Bc-&bc-version; Bc Introduction to Bc The bc package contains an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &bc-md5sum; Download size: &bc-size; Estimated disk space required: &bc-buildsize; Estimated build time: &bc-time; Installation of Bc Install bc by running the following commands: sed -i '/PROTO.*readline/d' bc/scan.l && sed -i '/flex -I8/s/8//' configure && sed -i '/stdlib/a #include <string.h>' lib/number.c && sed -i 's/program.*save/static &/' bc/load.c && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-readline && make To test bc, run the commands below. There is quite a bit of output, so you may want to redirect it to a file. Some tests are known to fail, but bc is still useable. for TEST in Test/{checklib,testfn}.b& do echo "quit" | ./bc/bc -l $TEST done Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations sed -i '/PROTO.*readline/d' bc/scan.l: This command fixes the Readline library call. sed -i '/flex -I8/s/8//' configure: This command fixes the Flex invocation. sed -i '/stdlib/a #include <string.h>' lib/number.c: This command inserts a missing header. sed -i 's/program.*save/static &/' bc/load.c: This command fixes a segfault when running bc with bc -l. --with-readline: This option enables Readline support in interactive mode. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories bc and dc None None Short Descriptions bc is a calculator. bc dc is a reverse-polish calculator. dc