Installation of Heimdal
Before installing the package, you may want to preserve the
ftp program from the Inetutils package. This is
because using the Heimdal ftp program to connect to
non kerberized ftp servers may not work properly. It will allow you to
connect (letting you know that transmission of the password is clear
text) but will have problems doing puts and gets.
mv /usr/bin/ftp /usr/bin/ftpn
If you wish the Heimdal package to link against the cracklib library,
you must apply a patch:
patch -Np1 -i ../heimdal-&heimdal-version;-cracklib-1.patch
Install Heimdal by running the following commands:
patch -Np1 -i ../heimdal-&heimdal-version;-fhs-compliance-1.patch &&
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/heimdal \
--datadir=/var/lib/heimdal --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \
--sharedstatedir=/usr/share --localstatedir=/var/lib/heimdal \
--enable-shared --with-openssl=/usr &&
make &&
make install &&
mv /bin/login /bin/login.shadow &&
mv /bin/su /bin/su.coreutils &&
mv /usr/bin/{login,su} /bin &&
ln -sf ../../bin/login /usr/bin &&
mv /usr/lib/lib{,,,} /lib &&
mv /usr/lib/lib{,,,} /lib &&
mv /usr/lib/lib{,,} /lib &&
mv /usr/lib/lib{,,} /lib &&
ln -sf ../../lib/lib{,,,} /usr/lib &&
ln -sf ../../lib/lib{,,,} /usr/lib &&
ln -sf ../../lib/lib{,,} /usr/lib &&
ln -sf ../../lib/lib{,,} /usr/lib &&