Configuring j2sdk
Config files
/etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc
Configuration Information
Add the following lines to the appropriate file listed
export JAVA_HOME=<path to>/j2sdk&j2sdk-version;
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
You now have a java development environment installed on your
machine, however it is compiled with a different library than the other
programs which creates incompatabilities. Specifically, the plug-in
will not work with browsers compiled on your machine.
There is a solution if you are willing to accept the SUN COMMUNITY
SOURCE LICENSE for the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition. Note that you
are not allowed to distribute the resulting JDK/JRE and you also cannot
use the resulting JDK to compile programs for distribution unless they
pass Sun's compatiblity tests. In short don't use the resulting JDK
except for your personal use.