Command explanations unset CFLAGS : This command clears the compile flags. This command is optional, but the indications are that the majority of installs will need it. --enable-freetype : This switch tells MPlayer to utilize freetype fonts instead of the fonts provided by mplayer. --enable-gui : This switch tells MPlayer to compile the gui interface code. --enable-menu --enable-new-conf : These switches enable the new menu support. It's like an OSD, but you can also run a shell with it. --enable-shared-pp : This enables the building of a shared libpostproc (library for post processing, featuring filters like sharpen). cp etc/codecs.conf ~/.mplayer : This command copies the standard codecs.conf file to the user. MPlayer expects this file at startup. cp etc/example.conf ~/.mplayer : This command copies the self documented configuration file to the user. We will create an new config file if you installed the gui or you can copy this file to config and edit it for your situation.