%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ tin-&tin-version;.tar tin TIN-&tin-version; TIN Introduction to TIN TIN is a threaded NNTP and spool based console-mode UseNet newsreader. It supports threading, scoring, different charsets, and many other useful things. It has also support for different languages. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &tin-md5sum; Download size: &tin-size; Estimated disk space required: &tin-buildsize; Estimated build time: &tin-time; TIN Dependencies Optional , , an MTA that provides the sendmail command, , , a spell checker ( or ), a printing system ( or ), and for metamutt, INN, UUDeview, Socks, Metamail, and Dmalloc or dbmalloc User Notes: Installation of TIN Install TIN by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-screen=ncursesw \ --enable-nntp-only --disable-printing && make build This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations --with-screen=ncursesw: This switch forces the use of wide-character functions from the ncursesw library (for UTF-8 and Asian languages support). --enable-nntp-only: Reading news from a local spool is disabled with this switch. Don't use this if you have installed INN and want to use its spool. --disable-printing: This switch disables printing since TIN cannot send non-ASCII text to the printer correctly. Remove this switch if you can tolerate this limitation. Configuring TIN Config Files /etc/tin/tinrc, ~/.tin/tinrc and ~/.newsrc /etc/tin/tinrc ~/.tin/tinrc ~/.newsrc Configuration Information Set some global defaults for TIN by running the following commands as the root user: install -v -m755 -d /etc/tin && cat > /etc/tin/tinrc << "EOF" use_mouse=ON getart_limit=100 translit=ON EOF Now, as an unprivileged user, subscribe to some newsgroups, specify the news server, and run tin: cat >> ~/.newsrc << "EOF" gmane.linux.lfs.devel: gmane.linux.lfs.beyond.devel: EOF export NNTPSERVER=news.gmane.org tin -Q Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directory tin, rtin, tinews.pl, metamutt, opt-case.pl, w2r.pl, and url_handler.sh None /etc/tin Short Descriptions tin is a UseNet news reader. tin rtin is a symbolic link to tin. rtin tinews.pl posts and signs an article via NNTP. tinews.pl metamutt is a replacement of metamail using Mutt. metamutt opt-case.pl optimizes case insensitive regexp filters for tin. opt-case.pl w2r.pl converts tin wildmat filters to tin regexp filters. w2r.pl url_handler.sh calls a web browser for viewing hyperlinks. url_handler.sh