%general-entities; ]> Change Log Please note that the change log only lists which editor was responsible for putting the changes into CVS; please read the page in Chapter 1 for details on who wrote what. &version; - &releasedate; June 19th, 2004 [bdubbs]: Fixed css to display navigational links properly. June 19th, 2004 [bdubbs]: Updated foreword and acknowledgements. June 19th, 2004 [randy]: Added HTML download location to PCRE-4.5. June 19th, 2004 [randy]: Updated to ImageMagick-6.0.2-7. June 19th, 2004 [randy]: Misc. corrections and fixes. June 18th, 2004 [randy]: Updated to Cdrdao-1.1.9. June 18th, 2004 [larry]: Updated to GLib-2.4.2 and GTK+-2.4.3. June 18th, 2004 [randy]: Updated to AbiWord-2.0.7. June 18th, 2004 [randy]: Renamed Python patch. June 18th, 2004 [randy]: Updated to lcms-1.13. June 18th, 2004 [randy]: Fixed link to FreeType patch, reported by Jeremy Utley June 17th, 2004 [randy]: updated to Python-2.3.4. June 17th, 2004 [randy]: replaced all non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;) with regular spaces inside <pre> tags. June 17th, 2004 [randy]: updated to GIMP-2.0.2. June 17th, 2004 [randy]: updated to vim-6.3. June 17th, 2004 [randy]: updated Glossary to include OS. June 17th, 2004 [randy]: updated to hd2u-0.9.1. June 16th, 2004 [larry]: updated to libxml2-2.6.10 and libxslt-1.1.7; returned 'make validate' to checking entities. June 16th, 2004 [dj]: updated to xine-lib-1-rc4a and xine-ui-0.99.1. Added GPMOPTS to gpm config file. June 15th, 2004 [dj]: updated to alsa packages to version 1.0.5. June 12th, 2004 [dj]: added end quotes to EOFs when creating courier's pam.d config files. June 11th, 2004 [larry]: added our new co-editor; updated to Joe-3.1 and ReeiserFS-3.6.17. June 6th, 2004 [bdubbs]: Misc grammar corrections. June 6th, 2004 [bdubbs]: Removed spaces from .bash_profile variable assignment. 5.1 - June 5th, 2004