Command explanations --prefix=/opt/gnome: Version &gnucash-version; of GnuCash is a gnome 1.4 application. sed 's/^GTKHTML_LIBS.*$/GTKHTML_LIBS=\`pkg-config --libs gtkhtml-1.1\`/' \configure | \ sed 's/^GTKHTML_CFLAGS.*$/GTKHTML_CFLAGS=\`pkg-config --cflags gtkhtml-1.1\`/' > && cp configure && The configure script for GnuCash 1.6.8 is expecting to find gtkhtml-1.0.4, which we are not installing. gtkhtml-1.1.7 will work with GnuCash, but we must force configure to look for the newer libraries. The above sed commands are necessary because not only are the library versions different, but in the newer version of gtkhtml, pkg-config is used to determine CFLAGS and LIBS, while previous versions of gtkhtml used gnome-config to do the same thing.