Introduction to openoffice
Download location (HTTP):
Version used: &openoffice-version;
Package size: &openoffice-size;
Estimated Disk space required: &openoffice-buildsize;
Estimated Build time: &openoffice-buildtime;
Estimated Install size: &openoffice-installsize;
The openoffice is a office suite, the opensource sibling of
openoffice depends on:
openoffice will utilize:
Dowload the General Polygon Clipper Library from
Also download the various patches from .
The patches begin with openoffice-&openoffice-version;.
Select patches that are appropriate for your installation.
The source tarball only contains English language help. A localized help
content file may be available at .
If you have difficulties in building openoffice, check out the
hint for detailed information at . The
hint also discusses installation of auxillary software.