Contents The RP-PPPoE package contains adsl-setup, adsl-start, adls-status, adsl-stop, pppoe, pppoe-relay, pppoe-server, and pppoe-sniff. Description adsl-setup A script for configuring the client. Configuration is then stored in /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf. adsl-startStarts the client using the options specified in /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf. adsl-statusDisplays the status of the adsl connection. adsl-stopStops the client. pppoeThis is the client itself. Generally it should not be started on it's own. pppoe-relayStarts the server relay agent. pppoe-serverStarts the server componenet. pppoe-sniffA small network sniffer designed to assist in setting PPPOE_EXTRA setttings.