# Gaming Linux From Scatch (GLFS) Gaming Linux From Scratch is a book that covers how to install packages like Steam and Wine after the Linux From Scratch book. # Where to Read Go to https://zeckmathederg.github.io/glfs/ and start going through the book! # Installation How do I convert these XML files to HTML myself? You need to have some software installed that deal with these conversions. Please read the `INSTALL.md` file to determine what programs you need to install and where to get instructions to install that software. After that, you can build the html with a simple **make** command. The default target builds the html in `$(HOME)/public_html/glfs.` For all targets, setting the parameter `REV=systemd` is needed to build the systemd version of the book. Furthermore, the dark theme is the default, but you can switch the theme by running `switch-theme.sh` with the parameter `light` or `dark`. Other Makefile targets are: `pdf`, `nochunks`, `validate`, and `glfs-patch-list`. `pdf`: builds GLFS as a PDF file. `nochunks`: builds GLFS in one huge file. `validate`: does an extensive check for xml errors in the book. `glfs-patch-list`: generates a list of all GLFS controlled patches in the book.