Command explanations --libexecdir=/usr/sbin: This switch puts the daemon programs into /usr/sbin. If you want to preserve all your existing Inetutils package daemons, install the Heimdal daemons into /usr/sbin/heimdal (or wherever you want). Since these programs will be called from (x)inetd or rc scripts, it really doesn't matter where they live, as long as they are correctly specified in the /etc/(x)inetd.conf file and rc scripts. If you choose something other than /usr/sbin, you may want to move some of the user programs (such as kadmin) to /usr/sbin manually. cp /usr/bin/login /bin && mv /usr/bin/su /bin: The login and su programs installed by Heimdal belong in /bin directory. The login program is copied because Heimdal is expecting to find it in /usr/bin.