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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
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<!ENTITY gcc-java-download-http "http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-&gcc-version;/gcc-&gcc-version;.tar.bz2">
<!ENTITY gcc-java-download-ftp "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-&gcc-version;/gcc-&gcc-version;.tar.bz2">
<!ENTITY gcc-java-md5sum "4df8ee253b7f3863ad0b86359cd39c43">
<!ENTITY gcc-java-size "86 MB">
<!ENTITY gcc-java-buildsize "3.0 GB">
<!ENTITY gcc-java-time "84 SBU (including 70 SBU for tests)">
<!ENTITY ecj-download-ftp "ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/ecj-latest.jar">
<!ENTITY antlr-version "4.2.2">
<!ENTITY antlr-download-http "http://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-&antlr-version;-complete.jar">
<sect1 id="gcc-java" xreflabel="GCC-Java-&gcc-version;">
<?dbhtml filename="gcc-java.html" ?>
<indexterm zone="gcc">
<primary sortas="a-gcc-java-4-0">GCC-Java-&gcc-version;</primary>
<sect2 role="package">
<title>Introduction to GCC-Java</title>
<para>See the introduction to the Java language and system at
<xref linkend="java"/>. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) contains
a Java compiler to native code. Together with the
<application>ecj</application> Java compiler from Eclipse (to bytecode),
it provides a way to build an acceptable JVM from source. However, since
the release of <application>OpenJDK</application>, the development
of GCC-Java has almost stopped, and the built JVM is an old version.
One reason to build
this system is that it can be used to bootstrap <xref linkend="openjdk"/>,
without the need for downloading a Java binary.</para>
<para>Using the instructions on this page will have the effect that
the C and C++ compiler and libraries will be reinstalled, overwriting
the ones on your system. This may lead to some issues. Please read the
note and caution on the <xref linkend="gcc"/> page.</para>
<bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&gcc-java-download-http;"/></para>
<para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&gcc-java-download-ftp;"/></para>
<para>Download MD5 sum: &gcc-java-md5sum;</para>
<para>Download size: &gcc-java-size;</para>
<para>Estimated disk space required: &gcc-java-buildsize;</para>
<para>Estimated build time: &gcc-java-time;</para>
<bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Eclipse Java compiler:
<ulink url="&ecj-download-ftp;"/>
ANTLR binary, for building <command>gjdoc</command> (optional):
<ulink url="&antlr-download-http;"/>
<!-- <listitem>
Required patch:
<ulink url="&patch-root;/gcc-&gcc-version;-upstream_fixes-1.patch"/>
<bridgehead renderas="sect3">GCC Dependencies</bridgehead>
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
<para role="required">
<xref linkend="zip"/>,
<xref linkend="unzip"/>, and
<xref linkend="which"/>
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
<para role="recommended">
<xref linkend="dejagnu"/>, for tests
<bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
<para role="optional">
<xref linkend="gtk2"/> and
<ulink url="https://download.gnome.org/sources/libart_lgpl/">
</ulink> for building the AWT peer
<para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
<ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/gcc-java"/></para>
<sect2 role="installation">
<title>Installation of GCC Java</title>
<para>The instructions below assume that the C and C++ compilers have
the same version as the one you are installing, so that a
<quote>bootstrap</quote> is not necessary. If you are upgrading
the GCC version, then remove the <option>--disable-bootstrap</option> from
the <command>./configure</command> options below.</para>
<para>As in LFS, fix a problem identified upstream:</para>
<screen><userinput>sed -i 's/if \((code.*))\)/if (\1 \&\& \!DEBUG_INSN_P (insn))/' gcc/sched-deps.c</userinput></screen>
<para>Install <application>GCC Java</application> by running the
following commands:</para>
<screen><userinput>sed -i 's/\(install.*:\) install-.*recursive/\1/' libffi/Makefile.in &&
sed -i 's/\(install-data-am:\).*/\1/' libffi/include/Makefile.in &&
patch -Np1 -i ../gcc-&gcc-version;-upstream_fixes-1.patch &&
cp ../ecj-latest.jar ./ecj.jar &&
mkdir ../gcc-build &&
cd ../gcc-build &&
../gcc-&gcc-version;/configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--libdir=/usr/lib \
--enable-shared \
--enable-threads=posix \
--enable-__cxa_atexit \
--enable-clocale=gnu \
--disable-multilib \
--with-system-zlib \
--disable-bootstrap \
--enable-java-home \
--with-jvm-root-dir=/opt/gcj \
--with-antlr-jar=$(pwd)/../antlr-&antlr-version;-complete.jar \
--enable-languages=java &&
<para>If you have installed additional packages such as
<application>Valgrind</application> and <application>GDB</application>,
the <application>GCC</application> part of the testsuite will run more
tests than in LFS. Some of those will report FAIL and others XPASS
(pass when expected to FAIL). To run the tests, issue:</para>
<screen><userinput>ulimit -s 32768 &&
make -k check</userinput></screen>
<!-- The command above may error out, so using && may prevent the summary
to be run. -->
<para>The tests are very long, and the results may be hard to find in the
logs, specially if you use job control with make. You can get a summary
of the tests with:</para>
<para>Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
<screen role="root"><userinput>make install &&
mkdir -pv /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib &&
mv -v /usr/lib/*gdb.py /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib &&
chown -v -R root:root \
/usr/lib/gcc/*linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/include{,-fixed} &&
gcj -o ecj ../ecj-latest.jar \
--main=org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main &&
mv ecj /usr/bin &&
ln -sfv ../../../usr/bin/ecj /opt/gcj/bin/javac</userinput></screen>
<sect2 role="commands">
<title>Command Explanations</title>
<para>The two <command>sed</command> commands prevent the
installation of the <application>libffi</application> library bundled
with <application>GCC</application>, since it is outdated compared to
<xref linkend="libffi"/>.</para>
<command>patch ... gcc-&gcc-version;-upstream_fixes-1.patch</command>:
This patch corrects bugs in the C++ compiler, which lead to
segmentation faults in some cases.
<para><command>mkdir ../gcc-build; cd ../gcc-build</command>: The
<application>GCC</application> documentation recommends
building the package in a dedicated build directory.</para>
<para><parameter>--enable-shared --enable-threads=posix
--enable-__cxa_atexit</parameter>: These parameters are required to build
the <application>C++</application> libraries to published standards.</para>
<para><parameter>--enable-clocale=gnu</parameter>: This parameter is a
failsafe for incomplete locale data.</para>
<para><parameter>--disable-multilib</parameter>: This parameter ensures
that files are created for the specific architecture of your computer.</para>
<parameter>--with-system-zlib</parameter>: Uses the system
<application>zlib</application> instead of the bundled one.
<parameter>--disable-bootstrap</parameter>: Prevents the C and C++
compilers to recompile themselves. You should use this switch only
if the installed C and C++ compilers are the same version as the
ones you install.
<parameter>--enable-java-home</parameter>: Creates a directory
layout similar to that of a JVM.
<parameter>--with-jvm-root-dir=/opt/gcj</parameter>: Installs
the JVM in the specified location.
<parameter>--with-antlr-jar=...</parameter>: Specifies the location of
<application>ANTLR</application>, which is needed to build
<command>gjdoc</command>. Remove if you have not downloaded antlr.
This command identifies which language to build. Note it is unavoidable
that the <application>C</application> and <application>C++</application>
compilers be built too.</para>
<option>--enable-java-awt=gtk</option>: Allows to build the Java AWT
<application>GTK+2</application> peer. Needed to have a fully functional
<para><command>ulimit -s 32768</command>: This command prevents several
tests from running out of stack space.</para>
<para><command>make -k check</command>: This command runs the test suite
without stopping if any errors are encountered.</para>
<para><command>../gcc-&gcc-version;/contrib/test_summary</command>: This
command will produce a summary of the test suite results. You can append
<command>| grep -A7 Summ</command> to the command to produce an even more
condensed version of the summary. You may also wish to redirect the output
to a file for review and comparison later on.</para>
<para><command>chown -v -R root:root
If the package is built by a user other than root, the ownership of the
installed <filename class="directory">include</filename> directory (and its
content) will be incorrect. This commands changes the ownership to the
<systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user and group.</para>
<command>gcj -o ecj ...</command>: compiles the eclipse compiler to
native code, which is much faster than bytecode. This compiler is
then used as a <command>javac</command> replacement in the JVM.
<sect2 role="configuration">
<title>Configuring GCC-Java</title>
<title>Configuration Information</title>
The configuration is the same as for <xref linkend="openjdk"/>,
replacing <filename class="directory">/opt/jdk</filename> with
<filename class="directory">/opt/gcj</filename>.
<sect2 role="content">
<segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
<segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
<segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
aot-compile, ecj, gappletviewer, gc-analyze, gcj, gcj-dbtool,
gcjh, gij, gjar, gjarsigner, gjavah, gjdoc, gkeytool, gnative2ascii,
gorbd, grmic, grmid, grmiregistry, gserialver, gtnameserv, jcf-dump,
jv-convert, rebuild-gcj-db. Symbolic links to these files are located
in <filename class="directory">/opt/gcj/bin</filename>
libgcj_bc.so, libgcj.so, libgcj-tools.so
libgij.so, and numerous other
run-time libraries and executables in
<filename class="directory">/usr/lib/gcc</filename> and
<filename class="directory">/usr/libexec/gcc</filename>
/usr/lib/security, /opt/gcj/{bin,jre,include,lib} and
<para>Some program and library names and descriptions are not listed here,
but can be found at
<ulink url="&lfs-root;/chapter06/gcc.html#contents-gcc"/> as they were
initially installed during the building of LFS.</para>
<bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
<?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
<?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
<varlistentry id="aot-compile">
<para>searches a directory for Java bytecode and uses
<command>gcj</command> to compile it to native code.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc aot-compile">
<primary sortas="b-aot-compile">aot-compile</primary>
<varlistentry id="ecj">
<para>is the eclipse compiler.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc ecj">
<primary sortas="b-ecj">ecj</primary>
<varlistentry id="gappletviewer">
<para>loads and run a <application>Java</application> applet.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gappletviewer">
<primary sortas="b-gappletviewer">gappletviewer</primary>
<varlistentry id="gc-analyze">
<para>analyzes garbage collector (GC) memory dumps from
<application>Java</application> code.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gc-analyze">
<primary sortas="b-gc-analyze">gc-analyze</primary>
<varlistentry id="gcj">
<para>is an ahead-of-time compiler for the
<application>Java</application> language.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gcj">
<primary sortas="b-gcj">gcj</primary>
<varlistentry id="gcj-dbtool">
<para>is a tool for creating and manipulating class file mapping
<indexterm zone="gcc gcj-dbtool">
<primary sortas="b-gcj-dbtool">gcj-dbtool</primary>
<varlistentry id="gcjh">
<para>generates header files from <application>Java</application>
class files.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gcjh">
<primary sortas="b-gcjh">gcjh</primary>
<varlistentry id="gij">
<para>is the GNU interpreter for <application>Java</application>
<indexterm zone="gcc gij">
<primary sortas="b-gij">gij</primary>
<varlistentry id="gjar">
<para>is an (partial) implementation of the <command>jar</command>
utility that comes with Sun's JDK.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gjar">
<primary sortas="b-gjar">gjar</primary>
<varlistentry id="gjarsigner">
<para>is a Java ARchive (JAR) file signing and verification
<indexterm zone="gcc gjarsigner">
<primary sortas="b-gjarsigner">gjarsigner</primary>
<varlistentry id="gjavah">
<para>generates header files from Java class files.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gjavah">
<primary sortas="b-gjavah">gjavah</primary>
<varlistentry id="gjdoc">
<para>is a documentation tool similar to <command>javadoc</command>.
<indexterm zone="gcc gjdoc">
<primary sortas="b-gjdoc">gjdoc</primary>
<varlistentry id="gkeytool">
<para>manages private keys and public certificates in a
<application>Java</application> environment.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gkeytool">
<primary sortas="b-gkeytool">gkeytool</primary>
<varlistentry id="gnative2ascii">
<para>is an encoding converter for <application>Java</application>.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gnative2ascii">
<primary sortas="b-gnative2ascii">gnative2ascii</primary>
<varlistentry id="gorbd">
<para>is an object request broker daemon.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gorbd">
<primary sortas="b-gorbd">gorbd</primary>
<varlistentry id="grmic-gcc">
<para>generates stubs for Remote Method Invocation.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc grmic-gcc">
<primary sortas="b-grmic">grmic</primary>
<varlistentry id="grmid-gcc">
<para>RMI activation system daemon.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc grmid-gcc">
<primary sortas="b-grmid">grmid</primary>
<varlistentry id="grmiregistry-gcc">
<para> starts a remote object registry on the current host.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc grmiregistry-gcc">
<primary sortas="b-grmiregistry">grmiregistry</primary>
<varlistentry id="gserialver">
<para> prints the serialVersionUID of the specified class.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gserialver">
<primary sortas="b-gserialver">gserialver</primary>
<varlistentry id="gtnameserv">
<para> starts a naming service.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc gtnameserv">
<primary sortas="b-gtnameserv">gtnameserv</primary>
<varlistentry id="jcf-dump">
<para>prints information about <application>Java</application>
class files.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc jcf-dump">
<primary sortas="b-jcf-dump">jcf-dump</primary>
<varlistentry id="jv-convert">
<para>converts files from one encoding to another.</para>
<indexterm zone="gcc jv-convert">
<primary sortas="b-jv-convert">jv-convert</primary>
<varlistentry id="rebuild-gcj-db">
<para>Merge the per-solib databases made by
<application>aot-compile</application> into one system-wide
<indexterm zone="gcc rebuild-gcj-db">
<primary sortas="b-rebuild-gcj-db">rebuild-gcj-db</primary>